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Tsuki's Recovery Progression


River Valley Reptiles
Hello, all!

I recently picked up a little snow corn I've named Tsuki... she is about 2 years old and very underweight. Her previous owners had been continuing to feed her pinkies since they had her. She was "just fed" the day I first saw her, and I could just barely feel the bump where the food was. They asked me if I'd take her since I "knew about snakes" after I explained her condition to them, and I felt for this little girl so I did.

I'm creating this thread mostly for my sake, so that I can keep track of her progress as she (hopefully) grows and gains some girth. I apologize for the atrocious picture quality. My camera has yet to resurface since the move. I just know that the day I break down and buy a new one it will turn up... so this is the product of crappy camera phone in the bathroom, at night, with flash... yeah... Anyway, here she is:


That stripe down her back is not a stripe - it's the reflection of the flash off of her protruding spine. She is not the skinniest snake I have ever seen, but she's definitely a thin little wyrm. Hopefully I can work her up to some regular sized meals and she'll be able to grow up healthy in her new home.

As soon as I get a real camera I'll post some pictures that are actually worth looking at. I'll also do a progression of her weight once my new scales come in.

Thanks for looking!
My anery has regurged every time I fed her fuzzies. She is two and still on pinks; some snakes have problems like that and we must work with them. I was feeding her two or three mouse pinks a week, and just put out an order for rat pinks. I'm hoping the rat pinks fill her out and she doesn't have a problem with them like she had with fuzzies.

If your rescue has this problem it isn't the old owner's fault. Some snakes grow slowly and have problems digesting fur.
Yeah, I'm going to work her up to larger prey slowly. I talked to her previous owners quite extensively about her history. They're good people, they just didn't know any better. She's never had a regurge or refused feed, they simply only ever offered her pinkies. That's what they were told to feed her when they got her two years ago, and they never heard any different. She also went without food for periods of time because they just got too busy with kids and work.

Hopefully she'll move up to larger prey with no problem, but since she's never had anything bigger than a pinky in two years I'm going to start real slow. She's got a rat pink thawing with her name on it for tonight.