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Two year old addicted to cigarettes in Indonesia


New member
Another story from my Facebook newsfeed... This is crazy! :nope:

Video of him plopped on a brightly-colored toy truck inhaling deeply and happily blowing smoke rings had circulated on the Internet last week, turning him into a local celebrity.

As we spoke to his mother, a crowd gathered and a man taunted Aldi with a cigarette, blowing smoke in his direction.

"Smoking has been a part of our culture for so long it isn't perceived as being hazardous, as causing illness, as poisonous," said Seto Mulyadi, chairman of Indonesia's National Commission for Child Protection. "A lot of adults who are around children will smoke. They will carry a baby in one hand and a cigarette in another. Even mothers don't understand that they are poisoning their children."

Mulyadi met with Aldi in Jakarta, where his mother brought him for help. He said Aldi was a bright boy, quicker than most children his age.

He also said Aldi was a victim of his environment.

Mulyadi told Diana that she needed to find other things to occupy the boy's time.

But he told us what was disturbing was that the parents motivation to get Aldi to quit wasn't stemming primarily from an understanding of the risk to his health, but more from the cost of spending four dollars a day -- Aldi smokes an average of 40 cigarettes daily.

"Well, I don't want to give him cigarettes, but what I am I supposed to do? I am confused," his mother said. "I didn't let him smoke, I even forbade him from smoking, but I was trying to stop him from getting sick."

What a difference societal acceptance makes. How does a two year old get started smoking?
Looks like she can't make him put down a fork, either. I thought Indonesia still believed in corporal punishment to control their kids?
Looks like she can't make him put down a fork, either. I thought Indonesia still believed in corporal punishment to control their kids?

...and when I was a teen I started smoking to help me lose weight. (yes it worked, no I dont still smoke, no I didn't gain it back when I quit, I was one of the lucky ones I guess. It was dumb.)

I dont have kids...but how hard is it to keep a two year old from doing something like smoking? its not like he can get them himself. I dont have kids because my first instinct would be to smack the smoke out of his mouth...I have more patience for animals. Not so good with kids...