New member
Ok guys, here is my upto date list of 2011 corn snakes.
All are eating well on defrost, some are on fluffs, quite a lot of large pinks, many also on 2 pinks. The least I have is about 5 feeds in a row, going upto some that have had 35 or so mice now.
I am in the UK, but am able to get snakes to the Hamm show in Germany in december. I will though require a 25% non refundable deposit for European buys.
Prices are shown in British pounds, for euros just do a straight swap, as in one pound for one euro.. it is almost the same now.
0.3 Normal 66% poss het hypo, cinder and bloodred £15
3.1 Normal 100% het sunkissed, 50% poss het amel and anery £10
1.1 Normal 100% het hypo,lavender, sunkissed and stripe £80 Pair RESERVED
2.1 Normal 100% het amel, sunkissed, 50% poss het anery £10
3.1 Normal 100% het sunkissed, 66% poss het anery, 50% poss het amel £10
0.1 Normal 100% het amel, 66% poss het anery and lava,50% poss het bloodred £10
2.1 Normal 100% het amel, charcoal, lavender, sunkissed (new morph potential) £25 male, £60 pair
1.0 Amel 100% het lavender, 50% poss het caramel £10
0.3 Amel 100% het sunkissed, 50% poss het anery £10
3.0 Amel 66% poss het anery and lava, 50% poss het bloodred £10
1.1 Amel het blood stripe, 66% poss het anery, 50% poss het hypo and lavender £12
1.0 Amel 100% het motley, sunkissed and caramel (new morph potential) £15 Need to check If I still have this one.
2.3 Sunkissed 100% het amel, 50% poss het anery £20
2.0 Sunkissed 50 % poss het amel and anery £20
4.2 Sunkissed 66% poss het anery, 50% poss het amel £20
0.1 Sunkissed anery, 50% poss het amel £80 RESERVED
0.3 Inferno 50% poss het anery £45 (amel sunkissed is inferno in most parts of the world)
1.0 Caramel 66% poss het bloodred and sunkissed £25 (on fluffs)
2.2 Butter 100% het bloodred and motley £50 £65 A Pair
1.1 Sulfur £65/£75 50% poss het hypo half related. £130 pair
1.0 Hypo 100% het caramel stripe £25
1.0 Hypo bloodred motley, 66% poss het anery £150 (on large flluffs)
1.2 Bloodred 100% het lavender, 66% poss het hypo, 50% poss het amel, anery and stripe £35
1.1 Granite 66% poss het amel, stripe and hypo, 50% poss het lavender £40 RESERVED
0.2 Plasma 66% poss het hypo, 50% poss het amel, anery and stripe £45
1.0 Hypo 66% poss het motley, anery and bloodred £30
1.0 Hypo 66% poss het lavender and bloodred £30
1.0 Fire stripe 100% het anery, 66% poss het hypo £150 (stunning snake)
1.0 Hypo bloodred 100% het lavender, charcoal, 50% poss het amel, anery and stripe £50 (powerhouse morph potential)
1.1 Hypo bloodred 100% het anery, 66% poss het amel and stripe, 50% poss het lavender £50
1.0 Hypo cinder, 66% poss het bloodred £150 ( on large pinks)
2.0 Cinder 66% poss het hypo bloodred £75 (very cheap for cinders)
2.1 Hypo 66% poss het cinder and bloodred £30
1.0 Snowmel (lava snow) 66% poss het bloodred £75 (on large pinks, amazingly pink snake)
0.1 Lavamel 66% poss het anery, 50% poss het bloodred £60 (on large pinks)
0.1 Ultramel Lavender, 50% poss het caramel £200
1.1 Ultramel 100% het lavender, 50% poss het caramel £25
2.2 Anery motley 66% poss het lavender, 50% poss het hypo £25
1.0 Anery 66% poss het lava and bloodred, 50% poss het amel £20
0.1 Anery caramel motley £30
1.0 Hypo butter 66% poss het anery and bloodred £35
1.0 Amber anery bloodred, 66% poss het amel. One of the rarest corns on the planet and looks nothing like any other corn. £600
0.1 Amber anery 66% poss het amel and bloodred. I am 100% certain this is much more than labelled, and whoever buys this will be getting an amazing deal £75
If anyone is unsure of the amber mystery, have a good search on this forum, there is also other morphs which could be involved. In some of the cases you will be buying more than I have advertisd purely because I dont know all of what is in each snake, but what I have mentioned should be the minimum.
All are eating well on defrost, some are on fluffs, quite a lot of large pinks, many also on 2 pinks. The least I have is about 5 feeds in a row, going upto some that have had 35 or so mice now.
I am in the UK, but am able to get snakes to the Hamm show in Germany in december. I will though require a 25% non refundable deposit for European buys.
Prices are shown in British pounds, for euros just do a straight swap, as in one pound for one euro.. it is almost the same now.
0.3 Normal 66% poss het hypo, cinder and bloodred £15
3.1 Normal 100% het sunkissed, 50% poss het amel and anery £10
1.1 Normal 100% het hypo,lavender, sunkissed and stripe £80 Pair RESERVED
2.1 Normal 100% het amel, sunkissed, 50% poss het anery £10
3.1 Normal 100% het sunkissed, 66% poss het anery, 50% poss het amel £10
0.1 Normal 100% het amel, 66% poss het anery and lava,50% poss het bloodred £10
2.1 Normal 100% het amel, charcoal, lavender, sunkissed (new morph potential) £25 male, £60 pair
1.0 Amel 100% het lavender, 50% poss het caramel £10
0.3 Amel 100% het sunkissed, 50% poss het anery £10
3.0 Amel 66% poss het anery and lava, 50% poss het bloodred £10
1.1 Amel het blood stripe, 66% poss het anery, 50% poss het hypo and lavender £12
1.0 Amel 100% het motley, sunkissed and caramel (new morph potential) £15 Need to check If I still have this one.
2.3 Sunkissed 100% het amel, 50% poss het anery £20
2.0 Sunkissed 50 % poss het amel and anery £20
4.2 Sunkissed 66% poss het anery, 50% poss het amel £20
0.1 Sunkissed anery, 50% poss het amel £80 RESERVED
0.3 Inferno 50% poss het anery £45 (amel sunkissed is inferno in most parts of the world)
1.0 Caramel 66% poss het bloodred and sunkissed £25 (on fluffs)
2.2 Butter 100% het bloodred and motley £50 £65 A Pair
1.1 Sulfur £65/£75 50% poss het hypo half related. £130 pair
1.0 Hypo 100% het caramel stripe £25
1.0 Hypo bloodred motley, 66% poss het anery £150 (on large flluffs)
1.2 Bloodred 100% het lavender, 66% poss het hypo, 50% poss het amel, anery and stripe £35
1.1 Granite 66% poss het amel, stripe and hypo, 50% poss het lavender £40 RESERVED
0.2 Plasma 66% poss het hypo, 50% poss het amel, anery and stripe £45
1.0 Hypo 66% poss het motley, anery and bloodred £30
1.0 Hypo 66% poss het lavender and bloodred £30
1.0 Fire stripe 100% het anery, 66% poss het hypo £150 (stunning snake)
1.0 Hypo bloodred 100% het lavender, charcoal, 50% poss het amel, anery and stripe £50 (powerhouse morph potential)
1.1 Hypo bloodred 100% het anery, 66% poss het amel and stripe, 50% poss het lavender £50
1.0 Hypo cinder, 66% poss het bloodred £150 ( on large pinks)
2.0 Cinder 66% poss het hypo bloodred £75 (very cheap for cinders)
2.1 Hypo 66% poss het cinder and bloodred £30
1.0 Snowmel (lava snow) 66% poss het bloodred £75 (on large pinks, amazingly pink snake)
0.1 Lavamel 66% poss het anery, 50% poss het bloodred £60 (on large pinks)
0.1 Ultramel Lavender, 50% poss het caramel £200
1.1 Ultramel 100% het lavender, 50% poss het caramel £25
2.2 Anery motley 66% poss het lavender, 50% poss het hypo £25
1.0 Anery 66% poss het lava and bloodred, 50% poss het amel £20
0.1 Anery caramel motley £30
1.0 Hypo butter 66% poss het anery and bloodred £35
1.0 Amber anery bloodred, 66% poss het amel. One of the rarest corns on the planet and looks nothing like any other corn. £600
0.1 Amber anery 66% poss het amel and bloodred. I am 100% certain this is much more than labelled, and whoever buys this will be getting an amazing deal £75
If anyone is unsure of the amber mystery, have a good search on this forum, there is also other morphs which could be involved. In some of the cases you will be buying more than I have advertisd purely because I dont know all of what is in each snake, but what I have mentioned should be the minimum.