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UK/EUROPE 2011 corn snakes for sale


New member
Ok guys, here is my upto date list of 2011 corn snakes.
All are eating well on defrost, some are on fluffs, quite a lot of large pinks, many also on 2 pinks. The least I have is about 5 feeds in a row, going upto some that have had 35 or so mice now.
I am in the UK, but am able to get snakes to the Hamm show in Germany in december. I will though require a 25% non refundable deposit for European buys.
Prices are shown in British pounds, for euros just do a straight swap, as in one pound for one euro.. it is almost the same now.


0.3 Normal 66% poss het hypo, cinder and bloodred £15
3.1 Normal 100% het sunkissed, 50% poss het amel and anery £10
1.1 Normal 100% het hypo,lavender, sunkissed and stripe £80 Pair RESERVED
2.1 Normal 100% het amel, sunkissed, 50% poss het anery £10
3.1 Normal 100% het sunkissed, 66% poss het anery, 50% poss het amel £10
0.1 Normal 100% het amel, 66% poss het anery and lava,50% poss het bloodred £10
2.1 Normal 100% het amel, charcoal, lavender, sunkissed (new morph potential) £25 male, £60 pair


1.0 Amel 100% het lavender, 50% poss het caramel £10
0.3 Amel 100% het sunkissed, 50% poss het anery £10
3.0 Amel 66% poss het anery and lava, 50% poss het bloodred £10
1.1 Amel het blood stripe, 66% poss het anery, 50% poss het hypo and lavender £12
1.0 Amel 100% het motley, sunkissed and caramel (new morph potential) £15 Need to check If I still have this one.


2.3 Sunkissed 100% het amel, 50% poss het anery £20
2.0 Sunkissed 50 % poss het amel and anery £20
4.2 Sunkissed 66% poss het anery, 50% poss het amel £20
0.1 Sunkissed anery, 50% poss het amel £80 RESERVED
0.3 Inferno 50% poss het anery £45 (amel sunkissed is inferno in most parts of the world)


1.0 Caramel 66% poss het bloodred and sunkissed £25 (on fluffs)
2.2 Butter 100% het bloodred and motley £50 £65 A Pair
1.1 Sulfur £65/£75 50% poss het hypo half related. £130 pair
1.0 Hypo 100% het caramel stripe £25


1.0 Hypo bloodred motley, 66% poss het anery £150 (on large flluffs)
1.2 Bloodred 100% het lavender, 66% poss het hypo, 50% poss het amel, anery and stripe £35
1.1 Granite 66% poss het amel, stripe and hypo, 50% poss het lavender £40 RESERVED
0.2 Plasma 66% poss het hypo, 50% poss het amel, anery and stripe £45
1.0 Hypo 66% poss het motley, anery and bloodred £30
1.0 Hypo 66% poss het lavender and bloodred £30
1.0 Fire stripe 100% het anery, 66% poss het hypo £150 (stunning snake)
1.0 Hypo bloodred 100% het lavender, charcoal, 50% poss het amel, anery and stripe £50 (powerhouse morph potential)
1.1 Hypo bloodred 100% het anery, 66% poss het amel and stripe, 50% poss het lavender £50


1.0 Hypo cinder, 66% poss het bloodred £150 ( on large pinks)
2.0 Cinder 66% poss het hypo bloodred £75 (very cheap for cinders)
2.1 Hypo 66% poss het cinder and bloodred £30


1.0 Snowmel (lava snow) 66% poss het bloodred £75 (on large pinks, amazingly pink snake)
0.1 Lavamel 66% poss het anery, 50% poss het bloodred £60 (on large pinks)


0.1 Ultramel Lavender, 50% poss het caramel £200
1.1 Ultramel 100% het lavender, 50% poss het caramel £25


2.2 Anery motley 66% poss het lavender, 50% poss het hypo £25
1.0 Anery 66% poss het lava and bloodred, 50% poss het amel £20
0.1 Anery caramel motley £30


1.0 Hypo butter 66% poss het anery and bloodred £35
1.0 Amber anery bloodred, 66% poss het amel. One of the rarest corns on the planet and looks nothing like any other corn. £600
0.1 Amber anery 66% poss het amel and bloodred. I am 100% certain this is much more than labelled, and whoever buys this will be getting an amazing deal £75

If anyone is unsure of the amber mystery, have a good search on this forum, there is also other morphs which could be involved. In some of the cases you will be buying more than I have advertisd purely because I dont know all of what is in each snake, but what I have mentioned should be the minimum.