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UK Online Frozen Mice

Hi Kali.

I'm in the UK. I haven't used that particular supplier, but I have used these guys, who were great:


The only downside with ordering frozen food, is that you need to buy enough so that they stay frozen on the way to you. If you buy, say, 20 fuzzies, they're likely to be defrosted by the time they reach you regardless of how well insulated the package is.

Fuzzies are the size of mouse between a pinkie and a small mouse. The size of food you need will depend on the width of your Corn. What s he eating at the moment, how old is he and how wide across? The food should be big enough to leave a visible lump in him after he's swallowed it and the lump should disappear 2-3 days after eating.

Have PM'd you further info on UK stuff.
Ooops, sorry, just re-read your post.

Fluffs = fuzzies.

And if you only order 6 pinkies and 4 fluffs, they'll definitely be defrosted before you get them and probably unusable. You really need to order much larger amounts than that, for online buying to make sense.

3 feeds on 2 pinkies then going up to 1 fluff, is a good plan.
I would have to agree if you only have one corn buying on line would probably not be worth it.
i use www.frozendirect.co.uk

its £10 postage but they are worth there prices.

its gonna cost me, for my next buy £42 for 90 pinkies. 12 large mice. and 12 weaner rats. the 42 is including postage

now if i was to buy it in the shop i would be paying over 60 - 70
The reason I purchased online is because I have been without a car for the last 3-4 weeks and i'm not getting a new one until friday. Luckily my friend bought me 2 pinkies at the weekend and dropped them over as the delivery still hasn't arrived. They are 40p each from the shop I got my snake from. I am still waiting on my order - and they garunteed my delivery to be frozen (stored in dry ice).

I don't think i'll order online again unless I make a bulk order to save money.
Well they arrived and were NOT frozen. Where does this leave me? Shall I now keep them in the fridge rather than the freezer?? and how long will they keep?

Or shall I re-freeze? I'm guessing that is a bad idea.
I wouldn't refreeze them, it's a bad idea, you certainly shouldn't refreeze thawed food for people so I would apply the same principle to snake food.
It depends, have they been just sitting out for ages? If so they might have spoiled, or bacteria will at least be forming by now. If they only just now thawed out, they can probably sit in the fridge for a short period, but I'm no expert on this. I wouldn't like to be responsible for poisoining your snake. If it was me I'd chuck the mice out, but that's just me, you don't have to do that.
When they arrived they were very cold - but deffinately not frozen. I may use 2 of the pinkies and throw the rest out. What a waste!
KaliCorn said:
Well they arrived and were NOT frozen. Where does this leave me? Shall I now keep them in the fridge rather than the freezer?? and how long will they keep?

Or shall I re-freeze? I'm guessing that is a bad idea.

I have always re-frozen thawed food and my sorn snake is doing fine, an long as you keep then in a clean inviroment they should be fine re-frozen.
Re-freezing once isn't a problem. And in this case, they were still pretty cold when you got them.

Make sure to tell the supplier than their dry ice supply ran out before it got to you, and that they either need a bigger chunk or more insulation. I've had shipments come from Texas to here, 800 miles or so, and still have a good 2lb chunk left over. So it can be done.

Its subsequent re-freezing that breaks down the tissues more and more until one time you thaw and its pretty much a pile of goop.
If you have only one snake , buy a couple or trio mouses of good size .
Let them breed some time (every 3 weeks little mouses ) freeze your own pinkies and fuzzies yourself till you have enough for some time . Sell the breeding mouses again or freeze them too for later snakedinner. :crazy02: