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Ultimate Envy!!!


Corn Manic
Some shots I took at the show on the 27th of Feb

This Emerald Tree Boa is awesome!!

Can't imagine myself holding her~

Thanks Alex!!

But at the same time....I HATE YOU!!

Here are the photos~~










oh wow, now that is a gorgeous emerald tree boa. my local breeder has a few babies and they are thee most prettiest things ever, just so cute how they proper wrap around their little branches. and boy, they are quite pricey too, but damn, they'd certainly be worth the money.
thanx for sharing
Missy said:
oh wow, now that is a gorgeous emerald tree boa. my local breeder has a few babies and they are thee most prettiest things ever, just so cute how they proper wrap around their little branches. and boy, they are quite pricey too, but damn, they'd certainly be worth the money.
thanx for sharing

They really are Missy, agreed. But, their personalities aren't so great are they? I'm wondering if Green Tree Pythons are any more personable?
JTGoff69 said:
They really are Missy, agreed. But, their personalities aren't so great are they? I'm wondering if Green Tree Pythons are any more personable?
Supposedly GTPs are a little better than the emeralds. It all depends on what line you buy from though. As far as the "standard" morphs (i.e. not High Yellow, High Blue, calico, etc) are concerned, Arus are considered to be fairly calm and the Biaks are considerably more aggressive (and usually the largest). Even if you got one from a mainland line, just like all snakes though, it all depends on the individual. A little bit of advice though - regardless of how calm your snake is, don't go anywhere near it after dark...lol.
Jeff is definatley right.
But the thing is that this girl is still like that after dark. That is why I love her so much!!!!