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Update on my one egg!


New member
Well the one good egg from my females double clutch (which I didnt find until a day or so after laying!!!!) Was REALLY wrinkled out and all messed up from being in the dry conditions for too long. (she had no nest box) Anyways pics,

Shortly after being found (laid)
<img src="http://members.rogers.com/xaerion/2ndclutch.jpg">

on the 17th-
<img src="http://members.rogers.com/xaerion/2ndclutch07-17-03.jpg">

Today I checked on it and was happy to see it has almost no wrinkles. But HEAVILY moulded in there because some bad eggs I couldn't remove from the good one:

<img src="http://members.rogers.com/xaerion/wrinkle07-25-03.jpg">


That is a great recovery.

Is it harmful to leave moldy eggs attached to good ones, or more dangerous to try and remove them since one could damage the god one(s)?

Thanks, Skye
Moldy egg ~~~~:~

In my last clutch there was one bad egg right in the middle of a clump of good eggs. I kept a good eye on it:eek: and it was fine, in that nothing spread to the other eggs and it just go more "bad" hard and not moldly.

In other clutches I have had bad eggs on the side (not stuck in the middle like the last one). I sprayed the edges where they were connected with warm water and wiggled a little bit for a few seconds (a minute??) for three days in a row and the bad egg came off pretty easily. The good eggs all hatched out fine. Hope this helps. THAT EGG LOOKS GREAT. Can't wait to see the little guy. Sam ~~~~~:~
I am expecting a snow from it :)

Her first clutch still hasnt' hatched (day 86!!! shelf method) which will also be all snows hopefully. But I am partial to this little loner egg for some reason. Will probably be my only keeper this year :)

Thanks for the comments guys! I am really excited to see how its filled out!
