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Update:petstore has me upset


New member
So i called the petstore today(about the two ghost corns with the old sheds stuck on their tails)- both still have the sheds on. Apparently the person has been putting olive oil on it- that's it. um??!! I'm surprised both tail tips haven't rotted off fully, especially since the one was close to falling off last time i saw them.
I am tempted to buy them and "rescue" them, however i don't think i should give any money to a company that would treat their animals this way. (I already "rescued" one animal from this store that had a bad temper and several bite mark scars- he has settled down significantly since i had him)
well i guess i'll hope for the best...
Whatever you do please do not rescue animals from bad stores. You don't help, you only perpetuate the problem. You are also potentially taking on hundreds of dollars in veterinary bills, if there are other problems you can't see. The best thing you can do for the animals is not to buy anything in the store.
yes i will not be buying them for this reason. I am sad that these animals will probably end up being euthanized though if they are not sold...
I hate to see snakes suffer like this, so I will make a suggestion. Why don't you make them a lowball offer? If they cover their costs, they might be happy to sell them and if they don't make a profit, they won't order any more.

Perhaps you'll get some snakes that deserve a chance to live and the pet store can order more geckos or whatever seems to sell.
Actually, as soon as they get those off the shelf they can get more in. Chain petstores are usually required to have a certain number of animals at a time. This isn't determined by what the store has room for, it's determined by what corporate decides.
yeah i definitely am not going to buy them... like i said in the other thread, i "rescued" a snake from this store already and i won't make the same mistake again. :(
Erm, why not report them to your local version of the RSPCA? That is what these organissations are allegedly 'for'. Or do you not want to open that particular can of worms......