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I have several gravid girls at the moment, two of which have had their pre-lay shed and should drop at any moment. So what does my boyfriend do? He spent all afternoon yesterday vacuuming right around my racks and in the next room. Those girls were all nice and settled, and now they haven't gone near their laying boxes since, they just cruise around their tubs all the time. :angry01:

Is there anything I can do to get them to settle back down? I'm worried they might lay on the aspen, or worse, assume there is no acceptable safe place to lay, and re-absorb or get egg-bound.
I clean and generally make noise around my snakes all the time, but I suppose if your snakes are not used to a ruckus this could be the cause of the cruising. Could also be that the medium in you lay boxes is drying out some, try misting it again to make it more inviting. Remove the water dishes from any female you are worried will not use the laying box. Just offer her water a couple times a day (Hold snake above dish and dip snakes face lightly, she will drink if she is thirsty.) Keep an eye out, if she lays on the aspen, your still fine if you discover it within a few hours and move them to a moist medium.

Good luck!
Waiting for my first clutch this year right now as well~ she's really cruising~ I took away the water bowl last night!
Good Luck with the snakes, I suspect they will settle down quickly once the noise is over, and will lay fine in the right place.

My question is....how do you get the man to do the vacuuming???

Well one of them had 2 tiny eggs in the nestbox this morning. Not sure if they are good or slugs, since I didn't want to move the moss and disturb her too much. She has laid 2 clutches of 100% good eggs, and one clutch of 100% slugs, so I'll keep my fingers crossed and check on her when I get home from work.

And Skye, the man does the vacuuming because I go to work all day and he stays home! :D