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Very inactive snake


New member
I've had Flo about 6 weeks now, at first i presumed she was getting used to her new surroundings and as she's my first snake i wasn't really sure what to expect. However she still isn't very active at all when she's in her viv. When i take her out she moves about me quite happily.

She's about 4ft long however her viv is only about 3ft. I also don't really monitor the temp in her viv as her prevous owners who had her for 2 years told me there was no need and i suppose i presumed they knew what they were talking about! I am going to try to sort out the temp but could this be all that it is?
Never assume.

Monitoring temperature is very important and a sluggish snake suggests it is far too cold. This can cause health problems so you need to check the temps in there ASAP and correct them if necessary. I notice you're in the UK and it is not warm here right now! So, in short, yes this could be the sole cause of the problem, and certainly the first thing to tackle.

I'd make it an absolute priority to get an Under Tank Heater (UTH) and Thermostat right away. Get the warm side stablised to around 85 (this will probably feel quite cool to you but is the optimum temperature) and you will hopefully have a much happier and more active snake.

Let us know how you get on.
I do have a heat mat already on one side and her hide is on the other side of her viv. The light also seems to give alot of heat off, should it or should i get a new one that doesn't give of much heat?

It seems quite warm to me already in the viv?
I think temp is the most likely culprit, although many of my Corns really aren't that active. What heating do you have at the moment? If the setup is correct and everything is OK then the old owners may have a point, but I still think temps ought to be monitored regularly in case heaters or stats go on the blink. Make sure you get a decent digital thermometer and not one of the paper strip or dial-type plastic ones - these can be ten degrees out either way.

You might just have a naturally calm one, who feels secure in the viv but wants to know more about her surroundings when picked up. But it'll be nice to know that you're providing the optimum conditions for her, so I think you're doing the right thing by sorting out heating/temps anyway.
I do have a heat mat already on one side and her hide is on the other side of her viv. The light also seems to give alot of heat off, should it or should i get a new one that doesn't give of much heat?

It seems quite warm to me already in the viv?
Ah, right. The temps will be way too high if neither the mat nor the lamp are on thermostats. A Corn's ideal maximum temp is below human core body temp so if it feels hot to you, then it will be boiling to the snake.

I'd recommend switching the lamp off immediately, then getting a thermostat for the mat. They don't need artificial light - it's really just for your benefit. A mat alone can get to 120 degrees at its surface, when a Corn needs no higher than 90 degrees (mid-high 80s is safer).

You also need to have several hides, at the warm, cool and mid-range points in the viv. This will let the Corn thermoregulate properly.
Bitsy's absolutely right, if it's hot to you, it's boiling to the snake. It's the other extreme to what i originally thought, but still needs actioning ASAP. You don't need a lamp and a UTH (the UTH is fine on its own) but it's up to you whether you keep the lamp, some people like to use them to view the snake.

I can't believe a snake so hot would be so inactive. It is worrying..

Another thing to mention - there should be at least two hides, one on either side.
I think i need to get a bigger viv! Her hide at the moment is quite big as she couldn't fit in her old one! I'm running out of space what with her water dish as well!
It did sound as though it may be a bit on the small side, but I thought you had enough to be getting on with! If you have the means to get another viv set up with lots of hides and the temps all regulated (which should be done before snakey moves in, anyway) that would be ideal, but don't fret too much if you can't.
I'm hopefully moving in with my boyfriend in about 6 months and he said we will make her a new one for when she moves but for now i'll have to make do. Will it matter if she can't fully fit in her hide considering she does have one she can fit in?
You don't have to have "posh" hides. Old cardboard boxes will do at a pinch (not pretty, but cheap and disposable). I sometimes use shoeboxes or cereal boxes with an entry hole cut in them. The Corn really does need to be able to fit fully inside them. I don't leave much open floor space in my vivs - Corns need cover to feel secure, over open space to stretch out and move around (which they'll only do if they have to).

I have three foot vivs with adult Corns in them - they should be big enough for adults (the guide is that the Corn should stretch no further than the length and width simultaneously). However, there's no such thing as a viv that's too big, so if you have room for something larger you can make a very nice display viv if you have a tame carpenter to hand!
Well i have just got home from work and weighed her as i don't think i've been giving her the right type of food. I've also turned off the lamp and stuck in a kitchen roll holder which while its no where big enough for her to fit in she did go straight for it when i put her back in. I shall make another hide out of some sort of box once i find one and fingers crossed i might have a happier snake. I shall keep you posted!

Thanks for all the help :)
Look forward to hearing how you and snakey are getting on. And if you need advice on food, you're in the right place!