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Viv Size


New member
Our family have been the happy caretakers of a friendly little fluorescent orange amel named Nitro since he hatched last summer.

We were watching him glide around his cage the other day and wondered when we should be anticipating putting him in a larger viv. I haven't measured him lately (somehow he just doesn't cooperate and stretch out for me!) but he's longer than the length of the tank.

Is there a chart or ratio to use to figure this out? He's in a standard 10 gallon right now and seems happy enough. But, he is getting a lot longer and we wanted to get some idea of how you know when they are too big for the tank. He enjoys both of his hides, playing on the vines and of course, plenty of glass surfing!

Thanks for your input,
They can usually stay in a 10 gal for about the first year before needing to be moved to a larger enclosure.

He should be fine until he is longer then the length+width of the tank, or about 30 inches. 10 gal tank is 20" x 10" x 10".

It probably wouldn't hurt to move him now. It will have to be done eventually anyway.

If you want a 20 long, I found the best price at PetSmart, I think it was $27 for the tank and about $13 for the lid. Or you could get one of the sliding top "Critter Cages", but they run closer to $55 -$60 for a 20 L.
whats the avg size tank for a full grown corn snake??? i bought my tank second hand for only 10 dollars.. my tank is 40" long.. 14" wide and im nt sure how tall it stands.. but how many gallons does it sound it is?
I have Star in a 20 long, and she should be able to stay there for the rest of her life ;)
It was only $23 at Pet Suplies "Plus" and the lide was $12
Coming from a fish keeping background, I picked the size recommended, and went the next size up (you can never have a big enough aquarium)

So my corn snake resides in a 40 gallon tank. I've noticed that she actually utilizes all of the space she has, and even likes to spend some time perched at the top of one of the large fake trees (which doubles as a cave underneath.

Thing is, in order to make them feel comfortable in a tank that large, you need to have alot of hides and cover area (which I do)

To answer your question though, most of what I have seen shows that adults corns are more than happy long term in a 20 gallon long tank.
My big guy is in a 55gal (bought for a beardie that was never bought) and sometimes it seems way too small for him, but he had plenty of things to crawl over and under, so I think he gets plenty of exercise in...

The new pewter is in a 20tall, that is laying on it's side which gives her a lot more ground space.

Gailleann will be going into the other 20tall (these were given to me), but it will stay tall since she still likes to climb.

My other '06 is still in a 10 gal, which I'm feeling really guilty about, but I seldom see him out and about. I'm thinking seriously of going to a rack system for all but Kieran (the big guy) and Gailleann, so hate to buy too many tanks.. .just don't have the room for them in my place :)
whats the avg size tank for a full grown corn snake??? i bought my tank second hand for only 10 dollars.. my tank is 40" long.. 14" wide and im nt sure how tall it stands.. but how many gallons does it sound it is?
Well, that's not any standard size aquarium tank, so I can't tell you for sure, but if I had to guess I would say somewhere in between 30-40 gallons.

Check out this link, http://www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/calculator.php and plug the numbers in, which will tell you exactly if you really want to know.
Don't know the galon capacity, but the smallest vivs I use are 3 foot long x 18 inches deep x 18 inches high.

Really, the bigger the better as long as they ahve enough hides and cover. If they can get some exploring/climbing activity going, it all helps keep them in shape. A large, well-setup tank can look spectacular, as well.