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Viv Structure Concerns

Taybeh Chaser

New member
Since Zanj has begun to come out of his hide more and more, I am starting to worry about how his viv is put together. I don't know why I didn't think in more detail about this when I bought it (from the same guy I got Zanjibil from). I was more worried about the basics, like making sure it was big enough and that he wouldn't be able to get out.

Two nights in a row, I found Zanj climbing up to the top, where there is a small ledge of glass just below the viv lid itself (I am not sure why). The edge of the glass does not feel sharp to me, but I am worried Zanj may injure himself in his explorations. What could I use to protect him from the edge of the glass? If I were to cover it in duct tape, would that work? Would anything in the tape or the adhesive harm him? I am also worried there is a danger he'll get pinched or stuck up there, especially as he grows. So I'm trying to think of a way to get rid of the gap between the viv's air-vent and said glass ledge. Or do I just need an entirely new viv? (Maybe I could sell it back and get one of those fancypants Exoterra deals.)

I just want to point out that in the attached pics, Zanj is not actually stuck. At least, he came down on his own and continued his adventure after he realized he couldn't escape that way.

(Please, if there seems to be anything else weird about the viv setup, as depicted here, let me know. I appreciate all helpful comments, and I want to know if I'm doing something wrong, but please remember that I am new and do not know everything, or claim to, and that I do want what's best for my Zanj. So please try to be patient. Even if I'm being monumentally stupid.)


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Many of them do that as youngsters. As long as it's escape-proof, they don't seem to come to harm. Once they're too big to fit up there, the behaviour stops.

I think they just like a high vantage point that they can fit snugly into.
Thanks for the response. It's a relief to read that this isn't anything strange or possibly dangerous, in your experience (which looks pretty considerable, from your sig). Maybe I'll get him a nice smoothe clean branch to play on, if they like to sit in high places sometimes. His viv decorations and toys are kinda minimal at the moment.
Don't use duct tape. If it comes up a little he could get it stuck on him and it's very difficult to get duct tape off of a snake without hurting him.

If you're worried about the glass edge, go to the local hardware store and pick up some rubber edging. It's basically a small rubber tube/hose with a slit down one side that you can slip over the edge of the glass.
I have to admit that my advice isn't from direct personal experience as I use melamine vivs. However I've been on this board for a few years now and it's an observation that's been frequently made about hatchlings in glass tanks.
Mine gets in between the lid and this little metal lip ALL THE TIME! If she hasn't just eaten or is going into shed, you can pretty much find her there. And yes, she's fallen from it, but it doesn't seem to deter her.

I read duck tape and cringed. My corn was bred by a guy who kept all of him and his brothers and sister's in a 20g. He used duck tape on the insides of the viv to "keep the heat in". Don't ask me what he was thinking; I really am waiting for the day that I can have a go at him. Anyways, he gave the babies, mom and dad to my friend when he had to travel for work and never came to get them. All of the babies were sick and I guess peeled into the duck tape and got stuck. My friend went to get them out and get them to the vet, but by then, most had died. My Vova survived the sickness but when they went to pull the duck tape off, it went all the way down to the bone on the backside of his neck. He barely survived, which was about two months before I got him. It's still very noticeable and I have no idea if it will affect him in any other way except visibly.

Point is, I would never ever ever ever ever bring duck tape near a snake. It's the worst feeling in the world.
I would think that's fine. My cages have a ledge in them and the snakes LOVE them. No tape though. You know that expandy foam? I like that a lot. It'll take a day or two to cure (so he'd need to be in something else for the time), but that'll make a nice soft edge.
Also just remember, if you can't get cut by it, it's highly doubtful that the snake will. I mean lets face it, we can't even go outside barefoot on smooth concrete without going "ouch" the moment a sharp stone appears. In the wild corns are normally in the woods or something going around rough tree bark and the like all the time.
Looks fine to me, as long as there's no sharp-ish edge in a narrow pass where he'd have to push himself through. If you want to put something there, you can dab the edge with white wood glue (PVA glue) - PVA, milliput or glass silicone is what I use for broken glass/tile edges.
Eeek! OK, duct tape isn't coming anywhere near my Zanj! Thanks for the warning.

Everyone, thanks for your feedback and tips. Though it seems, somewhat to my relief, that Zanijbil has lost interest in the ledge lately, and moved onto leaning against the sides of the viv and stuffing himself into the spot between his hide and the glass. If he decides to revisit it, I may look into some of your tips for protecting him from the edges, just in case.
Maybe he's trying to tell you he wants stuff to climb on! Some snakes like those reptile hammocks, especially when young. And you can take those thick brown bendy vines, wrap thin leafy vine around it, and then bend the whole thing into shapes around the back and sides of the viv. Suction cup vines on the sides are great for babies to climb on, too. You can basically not have too much leafy climbing stuff for them.
This is what I'mn thinking too, Nanci. So I've been looking around for things for him to climb on. It would be easier to find branches from outside if I were back in upstate NY (my area of origin), but, being in the Middle East, Ramallah isn't exactly a wood-intensive town. I visited a local pet store specialising in birds and fish, thinking they might have some toys suitable for him. Birds, fish, and outdoor cats are the big pets in this part of the world, though the stores can usually order snakes and snake stuff if needed. Anyway, I found a nice gnarled branch-thing with lots of pieces to climb on. The shop guy said it was actually the root of some kind of Chinese water plant, or something (perhaps I misheard him; my Arabic is fine but it's not my native tongue and there was a lot of market noise around us). I guess it's intended for a large aquarium. I'm wondering how I can be sure it is safe for Zanj, apart from cutting off any sharp-ish pieces and sanitizing it (would probably soak it in vinegar and water, as I've read here that many people use vinegar to clean their snakes' things, and I just used it yesterday for viv cleaning). Since I don't know anything about the plant it came from, I'm worried it may be toxic or something. Could be I'm just a paranoid new snake owner. The guy thought it would be a good toy for Zanj, and he seemed to at least know the basics about snake care (he wanted to make sure I had substrate and a water-bowl, for instance). But with snakes being such weird pets to have around here, the basics might be all he knows. What do you all think?
I always forget where you live!! Is there anything like a craft store, where they would sell silk or plastic flowers??

I think it should be okay- your branch. Just make sure there aren't any holes he can get into.
Also- check aquarium decorations- but look for holes and secret passages he could get stuck in, and look in the bird section for nests made of grass or straw. Sometimes finch nests are like big balls of woven fiber, with a hole. He might like that.
Well, I bought the branch, cleaned it with vinegar and water (too big to soak, though), dried it, and put it in the viv. I think he's still wary of this strange, large new item, but I saw him climb on it a little bit last night. I hope he decides he likes it.