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Wait till she's finally done before removing eggs?


New member
How long can you leave the eggs in with the female? My cornsnake is going on about the 18th hour of egg-laying. Should I try and take the ones out she has already laid or wait till she's done?

Thank you.
I hope your female is ok. If the conditions in her laying box are right as far as temp and humidity the eggs should be fine in there but if you think they might get too hot or cold - get them out
Sometimes removing the eggs will cause her to tense up. I'd wait until she's completed the laying.
If she's been without her waterbowl for a while and she's usually a good drinker, try holding it under her nose and see if she needs a drink. If she's dehydrated, she'll appreciate it and it might give her the little boost she needs to go on.
I'd too say leave her in there alone.

It is best (from what I think) to leave females alone when laying. The stress might cause egg bound due to the fact that its not willing to lay (not being safe) and once the eggs grow inside her, she might get into the trouble of egg binding. So I leave all females alone for at least 24 hours before I peek again. If she's finished, then I take the eggs out. If not I leave for a couple more hours and see if she is still laying.
If not I'll get the eggs out and incubate those first and let her be in the nest box for a couple more hours/days until she is done.