They could hatch any day. They may or not dimple first. I would be checking twice a day. You don't need to remove the covers- just remove the babies twice a day. Are you giving the eggs fresh air a couple times a week?
You will get all aneries unless the dad is het amel, or the mom is het motley or stripe. There's a good chance something other than anery could pop up.
The hatchlings go blue almost immediately, and shed about a week after hatching. If you have the mom, she might also double clutch right around this time.
If a baby hatches with s tiny bit of egg stem attached, don't panic. Just put it in a container with a damp paper towel. The egg stem usually falls off in a day or two. Even a pretty bad one will generally be gone after the first shed.
You can try and feed them right away, or wait. Many people wait till after the first shed, but it sure doesn't hurt to try sooner. (Once they are blue, I wouldn't bother). It doesn't hurt to let them get a little hungry and absorb all the egg yolk, too.