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wanting a corn


New member
Hello i've been looking at corns and reading up on them for along time and everyone says they are so hyper and they don't handle very easy. Are they always that active and trying to get away? I had a florida king along time ago but he got out he was a babie.thanks Aaron
The consensus of opinion is that corn snakes are the most docile and easily handled of all snakes. It is true that hatchlings are a bit more spooky than older snakes, but I don't think they're any more spooky than other species. I don't think any of the young ones like to be handled, but the corns I have owned have been better than the kings I've owned.
As bill38112 said corn snakes are recommended as a first snake specifically because they tend to take well to handling. They are also easy to provide the correct habitat for and are quite tolerant of mistakes.

When corn snakes are being handled they do like to explore the area. I wouldnt say they are hyper though... just curious.... this means that yes, they are pretty much moving around all the time when they are being handled, but this is what i like about them!

If you are looking for a snake that will just wrap around your arm or neck and basically stay there you might want to research ball/royal pythons, however they are not so recommended as a starter snake as they are picky feeders and have different heat/light/space etc requirements.

I would go for a corn though :) (but i am biased)
Yes, corn snakes are active when being handled and most won't just sit on your forearm like a python; they'll want to be off and about. There's a difference between that though and the snake actually trying to get away from you, and most corns are easy and friendly to handle. They are lovely snakes.
I got damien "goodboy" "my corn" about one month ago! and i never knew anything about snakes, cs.com "here" as helped me soo much, he as shed, hes eating great, hes calmed down alot! and this weekend i'm taking him back to the show for him to be sexed and have a small health check! : ) Gl and i would say, some corns "want to be in control" like just the odd tail flicking and striking with mouth closed, but when they get to know you, you build a big trust and they become the best thing ever :) gl

In my opinion a corn snake is a great starter snake, and I would never call them hyper at all. It's true they don't just wrap around you and stay still, but neither do they go charging to get away from you. They simply glide along checking things out. Alot of the time, my corn will crawl up my sleeve and then just hang out in there and relax for a while. They are very easy to handle though, just a matter of guiding him in the direction you'd like him to go. Mine moves around on my coffee table just checking things out. Never do I have to jump and and run over for fear he will fling himself off, he's quite relaxed when he roams around. I say go for it, you'll fall in love !!
Ya i have handled alot of snakes i had a bp before royal is right royal pain in the butt. I have a 2ft 6month old female bci and im looking into breeding someday but i really don't think i want to breed boas. Im going to the All Ohio Show in Columbus this March hoping to find some nice corns there.