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Water dish questions

I just recently ordered the last of what I need for my snake on Amazon.
It came in today, and the water dish I ordered is way smaller than I thought it was.
This one is only about 4x5inches.
I'm looking to get a snake that's about a year old or a little younger.
Would a water dish that size be fine for a while or should I just go ahead and buy a bigger one?
It's about an inch deep. I think all the water dishes I was looking at were about that deep.
It's mainly the width and length I was wondering about.
So, would this one be fine for a while?
I'm thinking I'll keep this one and maybe look for a bigger one at Repticon.
Unless someone here says it is too small.
Haha, I guess I hadn't thought about that.
Thanks for the help!
I think I'll just keep this one anyways, maybe I could use it for a future reptile.
I'll keep an eye out for a ceramic dog bowl I like.
I have a whole week before I get my snake, so I have plenty of time to look.
This is a brand new baby. They can climb right up and into deep water bowls, and like to use them for perches!


  • Baby A Fire First Shed-19.jpg
    Baby A Fire First Shed-19.jpg
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If the water bowl is too small, this is what happens :)


  • AR 15 First Timecr.jpg
    AR 15 First Timecr.jpg
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lmfao cute snakes nanci. I never really thought of using anything like a water dish for a dog but yeah it would definitely work great and with it being smooth the cleaning would be so much easier.
My babies all have ramekins from Target- like the one with the candy cane in it. I wonder what Target thought when I was buying 32 at a time???

On a serious note, my adults in the racks have LARGE dog bowls- 8-9" diameter. When my AC failed this summer, while I was out of town, even though I had a snake sitter who said my house was "a little warm," I came home to find it 90F in my house, with some snakes in their bowls. If things had gotten worse, at least they would have had refuge for several hours until the AC failure was discovered.