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water dish


New member
I still haven't gotten my snake yet but i am learning as much as possible and was wondering whether it really matters that much if i put tap water in the water dish or should i put distilled water or something? What kind of water do you have?
We use tap water but put "Reptisafe" water conditioner in it. The reptile shop that I got my snake from told me that you have to take out the chemicals or snake could get sick.

But to the more experienced snakers if 6this isn't correct then Please tell me!

I use bottled water in the belief (rightly or wrongly) that it will contain less nastys that tap water. This is based on absolutely no scientific proof but on a gut feeling.
It depends on your cities water. If it is highly treated with chemicals and has a high PH or something, then you should treat it or use bottled. I have no problems using my city water.
I use bottled water. I just don't trust my area's water. Only a couple hours away from Walkerton :eek:

pretty clean water here. straight from the tap. if you have alot of chlorine in your water you can leave it out for 2-3 days and the chlorine will evaporate. good luck... :) ---jim
Water's all good here too...

I live in the boonies and we have spring water in our tap so I don't have water problems. But I also keep Chinese Fire Bellied Newts and I condition the water for them to get out large amounts of minerals. I guess it all depends on what kind of herp you're keeping and if you're keeping it IN the water or it's just drinking the water. Also, I've heard that leaving the water out so the chlorine will evaporate is an old wives tale and that it doesn't work. Because city or treated water has chlorine AND chloramine in it (they're both bad for herps) and that leaving the water standing for 2 or 3 days only gets one of them out and not the other. Can't remember which one it DOES get rid of but I know the other remains. If I had city water I'd probably treat it just to be safe. Of course, if I lived in the city I'd probably buy bottled for myself and just give some to the snake. She doesn't drink THAT much! Lol. :)
I use tap water for my snakes. But where I live the tapwater is just as good as bottled water. Don´t distill the water because vital minerals are lost. Like K, Ca, Mg etc..
Yeah pretty much like everyone said so far. I usually give him spring water to drink but once or twice I gave him tap water and he seemed fine with it. Our water here in Cleanville is pretty close to spring water I think. I use plain old tap water with a few drops of a dechlorinator for my bettas and my danios (my fishies) and they are still alive and well.
Here in the Netherlands the goverment demands that the tap water is from real high quality! i drink it, and if i drink it, than it is good enough for my snakes!
The only big 'problem' is that there might be a litle more calcium in the water! no biggie right?
I've been using plain tap water for 15 years now.....no problem with my snakes......

Good Luck and Happy Herping!
Re: chlorine evaporates, chloramine doesn't...

jim said:
chlorine evaporates, chloramine doesn't...

Are you sure about that?

Just to start any confusion ;).

I think it´s a bit more complicated than that. But it´s way to technical to explain it here. And if you want to know more about it, just contact me.
nope not totally sure at all...

just what i've been told... i'd love to find out where its wrong though. pm or email me if you know the chemistry of it all. thanks...:) ---jim
I filter the water from the tap as bottled water is expensive over time (i give the snakes big shallow dishs so they can bath). I think (correct me if i'm wrong) that this takes out the nasties and keeps the goodies,
Just to let you know, there have been many tests performed comparing tap water and bottled water with the differences being slight!!

I can try and find the web-site but I viewed it during a test prep class for the single subject mastery of health/science!
Our water has a whole lot of unknown contaminants in it. I won't drink it so none of my animals do either. I use purified water for the snakes, dogs, and cat.