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Weird behavior... (I think)


New member
So, I have four cornsnakes, two adults and two babies. I just got them, all from the same persone a couple of weeks ago. When the previous owner brought them to us, the two adult snakes weres super jumpy. They said the snakes were jumpy bc of the ride over. (was about an hour) but they're still really jumpy two weeks later. Now I realize corn snakes are more active than some other snakes, but the babies i have are active, but not jumpy at all. So im just curious if anyone know why the would still be so scared and jumpy?
Since it has only been two weeks they are still settling in to their new home with you. They may not have been handeled much at their old home. They may just be individual snakes that are a little more "jumpy".
Give them time to settle in and handle gently. They may be calmer with time.
By jumpy, do you mean twitchy?? That's what they do in breeding season, if you even touch them.
Not all breeders handle there snakes enough for them to adjust to the handling and calm down. But heck, my bloodred Wednesday is the most fidgety and fiesty little brat no matter what I do.
Also, Nanci is right, snakes will twitch a lot when it's mating season. So its the difference from snakes acting defensively or just twitching their muscles.