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Well not necessarily new.. but have been gone for sometime


Crazy Herp Chick
Hey guys,
well I'm not nessicarly new to these boards but I have been gone for 4 years so you know guess I should re introduce myself at this point. I joined a little bit over 4 years ago when I was 12 and had just receieved my first cornsnake as a pet. Since then I have additional 2 other corns and have started up a small breeding project and really want to expand to include some pewters. In addition I also have a chocolate harlequin crested gecko and a 3 year old ball python. Nicky is now 4 years old and is still a reminder of why I got into the hobby on a constant reminder of how fasinating snakes still are to me.

here are a few pics of my herps

Nicky now at 4, measuring a bit over 4 feet. ( he's out in the living room on carpet NOT sand no worries:))


My huge monster of a corn crazy who measures over 5 feet

Along with molly who I kept from thier first clutch which consisted of 20 eggs ( all hatched)


Then thiers also my 3 year old ball python starburst ( this pic is about a year old she's a lot bigger now)


and lastly my little female crestie


Well just thought I should drop a line re introducing myself.
Hey, welcome back! I like your collection and was thinkin of gettin a ball python too.
I like that crested gecko! I've never seen that before; its cute!
welcome back.. i hope you enjoy being around the boards again :)

very nice animals!