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What are these black beetles and how do I get rid of them?


Sticking To The Ceiling
So in our family room and breezeway, these black bugs have started to show up. They're going for the cat's water (he hangs out in there most of the time), are fearless, and are obviously breeding.

What are they? And how the heck do I get rid of them for good (besides pesticides)? We do have some old pine blocks out there that's been there for like 5-7 years for emergencies since we have a fire place, so I'm theorizing they came from there, but I dunno...





US quarter for size reference.
Not sure what they are but have seen them in damp areas.

FYI, you won't get rid of them letting them do the 'nasty'...:rolleyes:
The breezeway and family room are both dry, but have that water in the bucket.

I squished that pair I took a picture of with the quarter, then went "EWWWWW" at the guts I left. XD
I'll make sure we do something about it right away.

I read that some (Old House Borer Beetles I guess) can infest the actual wood of houses. Do we need to worry about that...?
Darlin, you'd have to look at them and read up on them. I would think not the same species would infest raw cut firewood than the wood used to build houses. Usually, usually, houses are built with wood treated to discourage anything like that.
Besides, they would need a fairly freely open route by which to come and lay eggs, and then for the matured larvae to emerge and embark. Pardon the pun. ;)

I'm trying to find a scientific or specific name through google images, but I'm not finding very many images that have the long antennae like these ones.

They must be special.
They're definitely pitch black, like a meal worm beetle. The odd lighting just made them look weird, though the females do seem to have a bit of a blue shine.

It does look like what you posted, but mine don't have to spiked collar type thing, or the huge jaws.

The closest I can find is the Palo Verde Borer Beetles... but mine are tiny, and the Palo Verde ones also have the spiked collar.
Looks exactly like it! Thanks. :D

But I can't find anything relevant except for what's on that site, it seems. And the pine tree that the fire wood came from looks nothing like a Douglas fir. The only place I know we have fir right here is the softwood bedding for my rats, but there's nothing that makes me think they're in the bedding or using it.

And wow, these guys are breeding like nuts out there. I squished quite a few females laying eggs and three pairs that were going at it.
I have them in my feed room right now. Never had this many before. Must be the season. Cicada's are out now too!