New member
So, this year I bred my female Upper Keys corn het amel, caramel, blood to my male amber het amel poss het blood, hoping to prove out the male. The female laid 21 eggs earlier about May, all hatched and I had some normals, caramels, amels, and butters, no bloods. I was going to just say the male wasn't het for blood when the female double clutched on her own laying 9 more eggs. Had 4 hatch out already, one normal and 3 amels but the other eggs wern't pipping yet. Today I went to go check on them and one had pipped but it was dead. I cut open the other eggs to see what was in them and found 3 still born babies, looked fully formed, one slug and one dead that wasn't fully formed. 2 of the formed still borns have little head pattern and no belly checkers. Could I assume that my male IS het blood or should I try again next year and see if I can get live blood babies before assuming that? Here are dorsal and ventral pics of the 3 stillborn babies and pics of the parents.
Normal stillborn baby
blood looking normal
Normal stillborn baby
blood looking normal