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What attracts you to certain corns?


New member
I went to Petco and ended up coming home with three baby corns. I'm not quite sure how it happened. I was attracted to the snow and the greyish normal, but then there was this other normal that was sort of greyish but not as clean-looking. I saw her a couple of days ago on another visit, and she was all sorts of active. Then when I actually had the clerk take her out today, she was the sweetest little baby, moving cautiously instead of trying to dart up my sleeve. I wanted to just buy the snow and the pretty normal, but there was no way I could leave the third one behind, so I had to take her too.

Am I nuts? Not for buying the three babies (heh), but spending $30 on a normal just because I liked the way she behaved. She's very alert and active, but even after the stress of being removed from the store display and the car ride home, she was just as tame as in the store. I mean, she was eager to slither into her shoebox, but at least she tolerated my holding her. :cool:
Looks are nice. But personallity is everything. I would rather buy a sweet 'normak' snake then a beauty who prefers to hide all times and doesn't want to have anything to do with humans.
My snow is the one is the one i like the 'least' in terms of beauty. She is however as sweet as a cat. Very active, even during the day, and craves attention. Replacing the waterbowl is difficult as she's all over me ;) And fun to pet. She crawls up my head and stays there like a little hat. My bloodred likes to hide in my tail. Perhaps that's a snake thing ;)
Good luck with her :) These snakes are the best pets
Jicin said:
. My bloodred likes to hide in my tail. Perhaps that's a snake thing ;)
Good luck with her :) These snakes are the best pets

Hide in your tail? how bizarre!! :sidestep:
I tend to look at appearance first. Some color patterns do not impress me. After I see something that I like, then I will hold them and see what type of personality they have when I am holding them.

Right now I am looking into getting a King/cross...I like the patterns and coloration!!
I bind my hair in a tail sometimes. I guess by your awnser thats not the normal english translation ;)
No there is nothing wrong with your English! that was me being dumb, hair in two bunches are pigtails, in one bunch, a ponytail....... I misread what you had said!!!
Jicin said:
She is however as sweet as a cat.
You must have a different species of feline over there across the Atlantic, because all the cats I've ever met were the devil incarnate.

On a serious note, color, pattern, and genetics are the main reasons I'll get a snake. As far as temperament goes, I actually like the fiestier ones. I have one corn that is so tame that when I first got her I thought she might be sick she was so lethargic/lazy. I love my corns, but I've actually gotten to the place where I'm a little tired with them just because they are so calm. I've even looked into getting a Radiated Ratsnake, and for those of you who don't know them, they can be nasty... sounds like fun!
I really like the normals, there colors are so pretty. My little guy is very sweet. My next corn will be an amel just becouse I like the color. :)