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What breed is this?


New member
This is probably obvious... I am new to corn snakes and everyone keeps saying what their corn is and I have no idea. I have looked up different breeds but seem to keep getting similar pictures no matter what I search.

The only thing that really throws me off - and you cannot tell so much in the photos (she wont stay still) is that she is really bright orange and red up front and half way down she turns this dusty rose/grey color. She could fool you into thinking there are two snakes hiding in her viv.



I agree, pretty little normal. She will probably change color a lot as she grows. Most corn snake morphs are brighter at the head end and get duller towards the tail end.
Might just be my phone, but I don't see any true black. My vote is Hypo.

Do you have any pictures of her eyes? Also, the next time she sheds look to see how much melanin darkens the skin.
The checkers on her belly are black (actual black) and gray up front and switch to red and brown in the back.

Sorry for taking so long - midterms right now :(
This is probably obvious... I am new to corn snakes and everyone keeps saying what their corn is and I have no idea. I have looked up different breeds but seem to keep getting similar pictures no matter what I search.

Sorry, I didn't finish what I wanted to say, they are "morphs", not "breeds". You will have better luck using that as a search word! (No worries, I think most of us here started by saying "breed" too!)
idk what she is or isnt -i just have several people asking me what she is and i have no response other than an eyeroll. She is mine and thats all that matters so...
idk what she is or isnt -i just have several people asking me what she is and i have no response other than an eyeroll. She is mine and thats all that matters so...

Can you post a pic for us? Or even find one on the web that is close to yours, we can help you then! (But then she'd be ALL of our step-snake! Remember, it takes a village!)