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what do you think of my babys?


I'm french and my english is very bad !!Sorry for that !!
I crossed Hypo Het Snow with Charcoal ghost
I have 2 babys Ghost very very light, 1 amela and 7 hypo or amela with malow , violet border saddels. I think it's ultramel ?!! what do you think?

I hope to put pictures If I can't, Anybody can put them in my place if I send to him(her) by mail?
My mail; [email protected]
Hi... your English is great. Definitely better than my French. :)

Congratulations on the hatchlings. They are darling! We'd love to see more pictures of them after they shed.
Is it just me or do those snakes look they have eaten a few meals before pipping... Just look thick to me in a good way... :crazy02: