honestly...I would say for less than that, you could just go to petco, petsmart, or any other pet store and buy just a 20 gallon for about $40-$50. The stand may be convenient, but if you are going to put a corn in it, you don't need much bigger or better than that. As long as you keep the cage clean and maintained, your corn will trhive. Yes the fresh air may be very advantageous, but I've been wary of vivs that are open like that. You never know how long a corn has to rub to pop an aluminum wire. If its not coated with plastic or such, it may do damage. Plus, is the top secure? Plus, it may be cheap for the size but what will shipping be? Normally that adds up too, even if its not assembled. Well, this is just my opinion, but a good ol fashioned glass viv has never let me down. Hope this helps.