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New member
OK need some opinions on my Corn. What do you think he is? :shrugs:

Looks little bit like my Ultramel. I was so curious about mine at 1st too because she has a really high white background, come to find out she was from a high white reverse okeetee x ultramel.

He is really nice, especially the solid red saddles!
Thanks guys! He was sold to me as an Ultramel in a Petshop. I just had a clutch in question. So this has confirmed what the babies are. :)

My guess is its a ultramel (het lavender) that I produced and sold to a pet store in your area:)
My guess is its a ultramel (het lavender) that I produced and sold to a pet store in your area:)

Hey Steve I was on the phone w/ you the day I bought him. Do you remember? How crazy is that?? lol
Its been 2yrs! I got him in Thousand Oaks! :) I thought he was het lav cause I saw siblings that were..do you remember the pairing?
Hey Steve I was thinking could that make my baby be Ultramel Lav, instead of Ulramel Anery? CRAP I'm confused...lol Parents are Snow Motley x Ultramel *in this thread*

There is a shop out there I was selling my snakes too
I think thats a Ultramel Anery
Breeding Ultramel Probable het Anery & Lavender x a Snow which is homo Amel & Anery ,you would produce Ultramels,Ultramel Anerys,Snows & Amels.
The Ultramel Anerys look so much like Lavenders they even still fool me here is a link to a example I thought was Lavender...... http://www.cornsnakes.com/forums/showthread.php?t=103391