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What is the most screwed up thing about your state?

As the chart map says, it's unemployment. So much here is tied to the automotive industry, and when they slow down, all the vendors and related businesses suffer too.

We also pay very high auto insurance rates. I believe we're second only to California, because of uninsured drivers, and unlimited medical coverage. That's a huge burden on a lot of families that are out of work here.

On the plus side, we don't have to deal with hurricanes, and earthquakes, and we have our four seasons. Winters can be rough, but spring, summer, and fall are very nice. We have hundreds of lakes around here - it's a boater's and fisherman's paradise!

That chart is funny.
How is Breast Cancer fitting for this chart?

My State, apparently according to this chart, is bestiality lol. We DO make fun of the horse brothels that are reputed to be found around here, out in the woods from time to time.

IMO though, the most screwed up thing about my State is SERIAL KILLERS. So many of them come from here, including the Green River Killer. Blah.

LOL, I don't know why Utah being #1 for porn usage is funny and ironic......... but it is. :laugh:
Were do you start with this state? Would not have picked that one though! I can totally believe Utah's.

Have to agree with Tara on one of the real issues with Washington. One of my Uncle's that lives there is super good with facts and trivia and is fascinated with serial killers, he's like a walking encyclopedia about Washington produced serial killers.
Were do you start with this state? Would not have picked that one though! I can totally believe Utah's.

Have to agree with Tara on one of the real issues with Washington. One of my Uncle's that lives there is super good with facts and trivia and is fascinated with serial killers, he's like a walking encyclopedia about Washington produced serial killers.

Here's a good story.
We are fairly positive one of our neighbors is one. He lives across the road and two houses down. He's got about 8 or so acres and is really creepy. He's married but his entire property is fenced. Sometimes he just stands in his front yard with a shovel, watching people around the neighborhood, cars go by.. etc.
One time, we drove back from a casino in middle of the night and he was out digging in his yard, in the woods. WHY?! Who knows.
He's older (looks about 55-60) and keeps to himself, his wife is nice.
When I moved into my house about 15 years ago, I was out in my yard having the septic assessed and pumped and he came over to say hi, asking me a million questions about myself and then just stood around asking about whether I was alone often, etc. My mom was there, thankfully and she chased him off by asking him direct questions back.
He's NEVER been over since, except for when he's walking his dog and it randomly "accidentally" gets off its' leash and he comes over in my yard to get it back.
Now for the creepy part: Often times at night, in middle of the summer we hear muffled screaming (definitely female) coming from the direction of his property, sometimes followed by the sound of gunshots (sounds like a handgun, inside). Sometimes we just hear gunshots. One time a car was left running out front of his house almost all night (until I went to bed), with the driver door left open. In the morning, it was gone.
Also, WAY back on his property, he's got a weird looking white compound building that has a fence around it. It's hidden and you cannot see it AT ALL from the road - only Google Earth. We don't know what it is, and none of us want to interrogate further.
What can we do? The cops can't do anything without proof or evidence and stuff like this is common around Western Washington. We just try to stay out of his way. Maybe it's all drug related but oddly enough, he doesn't look like the drug user type. Who knows.

How's that for a long creepy Washington story.
Ohhh, I would get myself into soooo much trouble with a serial killer next door... I'm too curious. xD

That chart made me laugh. It says high-school graduation is the most messed up thing here--and before I read that it was simply the low graduation rate, I thought it meant the fact that people were graduating at all was messed up! Ah, had a good laugh with that one. xD I would've believed it, too! I'm amazed at how some of people have graduated...nonetheless remember to breathe. o_O
I can't tell, is the chart saying Idaho has little interference from government or that Idaho has no influence on government? Definitely agree with the second, no one ever even pretends that Idaho is in the least important to a presidential campaign ...
Binge drinking here. I would say that's quite accurate ... Wisconsinites love to drink! I drink occasionally but I'm not a true Wisconsin binge drinker.

I would have first said drunk driving, though ... before seeing it.
chart = taxes but it is new jersey there is a lot screwed up here but we can not claim snookie she is from NY
Binge drinking here. I would say that's quite accurate ... Wisconsinites love to drink! I drink occasionally but I'm not a true Wisconsin binge drinker.

I would have first said drunk driving, though ... before seeing it.

I agree with all of the above. My first thought was definitely drinking.
Unemployment is definitely an issue here. Took my husband 3 years of constant job searching/applications/temp services before he got into an actual job.

Also in my part of the state, there was recently a huge drug ring bust. That was pretty big in the news for a while. Also lots of violence against young people. I've been told more than once not to even be in the yard by myself in case someone decides to come beat me. D:
Tara... the more paranoid he is the better. He will either get caught, get sloppy or move on. Try and leave things by his house with return address of WSP Sexual Assault Crimes Unit, Special Investigations, ..etc. His name and address of some sort of official Journal or official log magically appearing by his driveway will definitely make him wonder what the hell is going on...and his paranoia will take over and get the best of him. If he thinks people/police are after him, that will usually make him freak out or stop at least stop what he may or may not be up too. You can also ask power company and utility companies to come to his place and check on stuff. IE, if you think he is stealing power or cable or water, stuff like that. He won't like them coming by. Building inspectors and other officials, even the police/sheriff showing up once in a while will drive him nutz. You should call that stuff in when you hear it. If he is up to shady things, that will definitely make a lot of stress for him and hopefully detour him from doing this in your back yard. With any luck he picks up shop and moves to another county.
Yeah for low graduation rate! Glad my choice to teach high school has had such an impact...

Realistically, the worst thing about Texas is our politics. Too many elected officials forget they were elected by people, and they certainly don't represent anyone but their buds and the special interests that paid for their campaigns.
Highest homeless population- yep, They helped a lot when the 'occupy' thing happened. They were most of the campers there I think. I would have thought high unemployment rate but Michigan won that one.
Maybe it's that we have jobs in Oregon but they just don't pay enough to keep a roof over your head.
Binge drinking here. I would say that's quite accurate ... Wisconsinites love to drink! I drink occasionally but I'm not a true Wisconsin binge drinker.

I would have first said drunk driving, though ... before seeing it.

When I was a kid, the drinking age in Minnesota was 19, and it was 18 in Wisconsin, so some kids, well, a lot of kids, would drive across to WI to drink. Wisconsin also sold beer on Sundays, and MN did not. The good ole days!!