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What is the worst egg you got a hatchling out of?


New member
So someone posted in another thread that they got a hatchling out of a very bad looking egg.. do we have any pictures? What kind of eggs have still hatched?
I've not had a hatchling from an ugly egg, but I did have a shockingly big healthy baby come out of what I thought was an impossibly small egg. It was at least half the size of anything else in the clutch, if not a third. I thought first there was no way it was viable, and if fertile no way a healthy baby was in it. Nope. Big healthy baby that went from pipping to hatching in incredibly fast order--couldn't say I blamed him. I'd want out of there ASAP too! Meanwhile that clutch did have an insanely teeny runt come out of a normal sized egg. Heh.
I've had ones next to rotten ones that have mold all over them still hatch. If one is looking moldy and I can get it away from the healthy looking ones without moving them much I get it out of there, though. I've had it go both ways as far as whether the crud spreads- in the cases when it has I suspect the eggs I thought were good, really weren't, but I don't like to take a chance.
ha.. that is so interesting.. I know nothing about this.. I just saw the eggs from one of the girls and the whole clutch is getting there and every eggs looks perfect.. someone then mentoned how bad eggs they still got snakes out of so it made me curious.
This little one is still not out yet, but the egg dented quite a bit a couple weeks ago and started discoloring.
This baby seems to be doing ok, I'm hoping (s)he emerges sometime today.


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Hopefully, this one will survive. S/he is about 5.5-6 grams. I moved the baby to a bin, with a clean, part dry, part damp papertowel and water.
It's not a gaping opening, so hopefully s/he will finish absorbing yoke and heal up.


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I had one just like that this year too, left her in a deli with a damp paper towel overnight and she did absorb the yolk and seems fine now (other than not wanting to eat yet)
I had one just like that this year too, left her in a deli with a damp paper towel overnight and she did absorb the yolk and seems fine now (other than not wanting to eat yet)
Awe, I hope she eats for you!

I weighed the little one again after he/she finished absorbing yoke, and he/she is 5 grams. The belly area looks good, so as long as this little one eats, I think he/she will be ok.
I just saw this on facebook [emoji46]

Were they hatched though??? a few of those had to be dead... looks like too much water to me on a few of them... or am I wrong?
I have had some terrible looking eggs hatch over my 15 years of keeping snakes.
I sadly do not have many pics.
I will however do a search and post some.

In the pics above, there were 100% hatch rates. The last pic seeemed highly unlikely. Eggs if fertile, have to be really bad, or treated really bad, not to make it.