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What kind of lid/tank do you recommend?

I am hoping to get my first corn at Repticon in Orlando this December.
Since I've finally gotten 100% permission from my mom, I can start buying the things I'll need.
I'm planning on buying the tank first.
I want a hatching, but I'm going to go ahead and start off with a 20L.
I'll make sure to put plenty of hides in it.
My question is what kind of lid do you prefer?
There are currently two different tanks I'm looking at.
The first is a regular 20L. The kind that you have to buy a separate lid for. Petco has them for 20$ and the lids aren't that much.
The second I'm looking at is a 20L Zilla Critter Cage.
This one has a sliding lid and it has a space for a lock.
Petco has this one for 60$.

Does anyone have the one with the sliding lid?
How well does it prevent escapes?
Should I fork out the extra money for that one?
Or will the regular one work just as well with heavy book piled on top?

I'm worried about escapes because I have a couple cats and I wouldn't want anything to happen to my snake.
The critter cages with the sliding lids are easy to use and without user error they are completely escape proof. They are also made of thinner glass so they are lighter but you can't fill them with water to make a fish tank. If you choose to get the tank and a seperate screen lid you need to also get clamps to hold down the lid. Just putting weight on the lid usually is bad. There are afew different styles of clamps and you would need 4 to hold the screen down.
I like the sliding lid ones. I have a Zilla one and it works well. I don't (currently) use a lock in the space provided. My other three tanks are a different brand of sliding lid-type tanks and they have pegs you can insert and I like those even more than the Zilla brand.
Another vote for the Critter Cage with the sliding lid. Less weight, more secure lid - worth the extra money in my opinion.
You are wise to ask first. He who buys the more expensive Critter Cage cries only once.
Agreed with everyone else!

I lost my first corn the very first night I had her, despite books piled onto the lid! So I don't recommend the separate lids.
Thanks for all the replies.
Now I know I'm definitely getting the more expensive one.
I was thinking about it at first as well, but I wasn't sure if it was going to be one of those things where the non expensive one works just as well as the expensive one.
It's nice to know that the more expensive one is definitely worth the extra money.
Thanks for all the replies.
Now I know I'm definitely getting the more expensive one.
I was thinking about it at first as well, but I wasn't sure if it was going to be one of those things where the non expensive one works just as well as the expensive one.
It's nice to know that the more expensive one is definitely worth the extra money.

Also! they retain a lot of value! Ive had no problem reselling them on craigslist at a slight discount when I get ready to move my snake up to a larger size :)
I use a Zilla 20L for my corn, and it's definitely escape proof as long as it clamps down and you don't let your cats sit on the screen, I've heard of them breaking through before.
lol, one of my cats lays on the tank all the time. He didn't use to but after we introduced Rapunzel to him he just lays there and purrs. From time to time I catch Rapunzel peaking out from behind a log our out of some leaves to check him out. I personally just use a 20L and have had no trouble. With four clamps it keeps it pushed down with enough force that Rapunzel can't escape, and with such a tight seal on the outside but a gap on the inside I find her stretched out around the rim of her tank quite often during the evening hours. I'd personally go with a sliding door though as long as you check that it's in working order and you check the gap size. Some sliding door vivariums have to large of a gap between the glass plates that small lizard species or a hatchling corn could manage to squeeze through if they really wanted to get out of their cage.
Another vote for Zilla Critter Cages. I have three and they rock. I used to take care of snakes at a nature center that used clamps. They were a pain in the patootie.