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What morph is this one?


New member
I bought it as a aztec, but I'm not sure about the color. Do you have a idea? Wildcolor?


If the ground color stays pale like that, you could call it a Miami-phased partial aztec or partial zig-zag
I would call it partial zigzag. IMO, the pattern is too symmetrical to be "Aztec", and is better described as zigzag.

I would also call it hypo, but I'm not real good at this yet, so take my words with a grain of salt...better make that a spoonful of salt...
Just like with motleys and stripes, it's sometimes hard to tell a normal from a hypo zigzag. For example:
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Original post by Ikkuh
Miami phase zigzag maybe?

.......hmmm, difficult to tell with the photo's.

If you could post some up dates with natural light & on the same tree branch as Susan then we may be able to determine the Hypo 'thang' :grin01:

No seriously, your new hatchling has some good pattern & I agree more Zigzag than Aztec.

The background colour looks a little too pale for a Miami phase, looks more 'cream' shade to me.

Could be a hypo 'wild type' (i.e. Normal), very nice addition for a pattern project.
