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What should I use.....

Frank the snake

New member
I am good with building things out of wood. I have a great design for making a multi-tiered snake home. I just need to know what I should use for the floors and what to do to the wood to seal it and make it easy to clean. Any thoughts?

I am planning on having some glass cut for the front in a showcase style where they slide like a closet door. I am using 1/4 wire mesh for the top, between tiers. I was thinking of glass for the floor due to ease of cleaning and conducting heat from the sub-floor heaters, but any ideas would be welcomed.

I haven't checked out the price of glass yet, but plexi is super expensive nowadays.

What should I seal the wood back and sides (and possibly wooden bottom) with to make it easy to clean, waterproof, and safe for snakes? (non-toxic)
You could just use melamine. That is the stuff a lot of people use for their snake racks. Also remember corns don't need a very big gap to escape, so make sure everything is real tight and can't be bowed out.
I made two viv out of smooth 3/4" plywood for the box and the door I frame in Plexiglas with oak.
I used flex watt for heat. I mortise in a notch/hole installed the flex watt and covered it with Plexiglas.

I painted the box white and applied a water base sealer, several coats were applied. It working out well.