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whats a good shorter name for ultramel anerys


New member
just looking to see if anyone can come up with a good(stick in your head) name for ultramel anerys, i guess i just feel we can do much better on this one. well thanks for the help
Me three. I'm fine with just ultramel anery (I'm a fan of calling them what they are as opposed to these trade names; i.e. butter blood over sulphur.).
What's an ultramel anery?? I don't know that I've ever seen one. Is it just a thick black bordered anery?? (pictures, yesthankyouplease) ^_^
Heres an adult male of ours..


Some of his offspring from this year..



and another yearling female.. She looks a lot different than the above posted ones.. A dark one, witout colour adjustments or anything of that nature done to the picture.. That is what this female looks like in R/L..


Regards.. Tim of T and J
I am not personally afan of it, but KJUN has been calling them ultramelaner for a while now

I am not personally afan of it, but KJUN has been calling them ultramelaner for a while now

He does that because he refuses to use the shortened word "Anery" for Anerythristic. ;) Really, he's still calling them Ultramel Anery in his own way.

blueapplepaste said:
I've even dealt with some that were mistaken for ghosts!!

Sorry... :(
Hmm, it just sounds like "Utlra+Mel" would mean a lot of melanin... so a lot of black... I guess I am wrong.. What would a... wait... I'm hi-jacking. I'll make a new thread.

Anyways, if you were going to make a new name for "ultramel anerys" I would suggest "Low Black Anerys"... I know that's horrible... I'm grasping right now, lol.
Hmm, it just sounds like "Utlra+Mel" would mean a lot of melanin... so a lot of black... I guess I am wrong.. What would a... wait... I'm hi-jacking. I'll make a new thread.

Anyways, if you were going to make a new name for "ultramel anerys" I would suggest "Low Black Anerys"... I know that's horrible... I'm grasping right now, lol.

For it to make a bit more sense to you, you need to understand the relationship between the ultra gene and the amelanistic gene. Those genes are located at the same locus so if you were to breed a snake homozygous for ultra to one homozygous for amel, all of the offspring would get one of each gene, which would make a complete "gene set" called "ultramel". These snakes look basically halfway between an ultra (hypo-type look) and an amel. Now if those ultramels were also homozygous for anery, they are called "ultramel anery", which if you want to look at it from a different point of view...an "ultramel snow" could also be a technically correct name. Calling an ultramel anery a "low black anery" would be the same as calling a caramel a "high yellow normal".
well thanks guys, i guess ultramel anery is the name, which is fine with me bacause i couldnt come up with anything thats why i asked you guys lol. well anyways ill be hatching my first clutch of ultramel anerys this year from a snow x ultramel het anery and i was wondering if their is a lot of variety in appearence between individuals in this morph or if their all about the same.
ultra snow in would be one way to say it, but when most people think snow they white snake with red eyes idk... then you have to explain to people why it doesnt and it just becomes a long drawn out discussion and everyone os confused in the end lol.