Mutual of omaha presents.....
...Herping the wild corn snake

Man, that sounds like a bunch of fun to me.
I've never lived where corns range,
so never have had the opportunity to do so.
I may come to Florida later this summer for one of the bigger shows and may have to try to get into that kind of mischief.
I once went herping Rattlesnakes with some wild men vendors on a saturday night when in Tucson for a reptile show.
We found some sheds that were absolutely gigantic, Non herpers from "back east" woulda drove themselves to the airport and got on a plane before chancing an encounter with them big fellas

This one guy road cruises for dead Rattlers to turn them into wallets, keychains and Diamondback covered baseballs.
He misses the days when he could drive around drunk as hell on backroads and go herping if you felt like it. Now they want you to have a hunting license