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When to introdce pairs


New member
I know that many people introduce pairs soon after the female has shed. One of my large proven breeders shed about two weeks ago, and I just brought the snakes up a few days ago. They've just had their first meals. Because she's already shed, should I try her with the male, or allow them a few more weeks to feed up?
I've always read that if the female sheds while in brumation that you should just ingore that shed and wait for a second one, however, I would go ahead and introduce them anyway just to be sure. If you get them to breed that's great. Otherwise, go ahead and wait a while to try again.
I start pairing up as soon as two weeks out of brumation unless the females are opaque, in which case I wait for the shed. Sometimes it's as late as the second shed (6 weeks or so after warming) before mating is instantaneous. But it can't hurt to pair them up as often as you wish. Keep notes on your individual females and you will get a better idea of their particularities.
cornman1979 said:
About halfway through feb, right through till around the end of may.
Those seem to be the best timmes anyway.

When you pair them up has very little to do with what the calandar says and more to do with the post brumation shed cycle of the female. You can manipulate this period by brumating the snakes to be bred earlier or later than regular to make the hatching time coincide with a time that might be more convenient to you. If the female sheds within a week or 2 of being warmed up, scrap that shed and count the next shed as her post-bru shed. The male can be introduced earlier than this but she may not be receptive until after this shed. If the snakes aren't brumated, it's likely that they'll use the natural photo period extension as the days lengthen in spring (if they get natural light...yet another thing that can be manipulated) as a cue to mate.

More info on precisely this can be found on page 45 of the cornsnake manual by Bill and Kathy Love.

Good luck with your breeding project,

cornman1979 said:
Thats fine if you do burmate. But for people who don't.

.....Which is why I mentioned the natural photoperiod extension that occurs during springtime. As standard has mentioned...

Standard said:
I know that many people introduce pairs soon after the female has shed. One of my large proven breeders shed about two weeks ago, and I just brought the snakes up a few days ago. They've just had their first meals. Because she's already shed, should I try her with the male, or allow them a few more weeks to feed up?

...this indicates that standard has brumated (or at least cooled and fasted) this snake.
I have brumated the lot of 'em. Thanks for the info, and i'll go back and reread that section in kathy's book too.

Another thing-- for those of you leave males and females together for more than a week at a time, what do you do about feeding? Assuming both snakes are still taking meals, don't you feel compelled to seperate them for a few days after eating, at least until digestion is well under way, 7in order to limit stress and possible regurges?
Most people will leave the snake's together, but for a week during breeding? Not recomended. If you do then yeah seperate to feed and leave them in seperate viv's for 48 hours before trying again.
I'd give them a few days apart if they're still feeding to avoid stress and regurges. My males usually aren't eating, but I do have a few that don't follow the rules.
Cornman1979, when standard says...

'I just brought the snakes up a few days ago. They've just had their first meals.'

That is a pretty clear indication that he has brumated....
Sorry princess, i have never burmated, and if someone tell me they just brought their snakes up, that could mean anything to me.
cornman1979 said:
Sorry princess, i have never burmated, and if someone tell me they just brought their snakes up, that could mean anything to me.

Yeah Princess,

It could have meant that they were in the basement and they were just brought up (stairs) :rofl:
Or maybe it meant that they were just brought up (raised) from hatchlings to adults :rofl:
Or maybe someone just wants to bump heads today? :headbang:
Or maybe someone isn't as smart as they think they are? :awcrap:
I think I get why this kid gave me negative rep points, now. It was my involvement in this thread!
elrojo said:
I think I get why this kid gave me negative rep points, now. It was my involvement in this thread!

I think his reasoning was his Labrador told him to do it. :crazy02:
cornman1979 said:
Sorry princess, i have never burmated, and if someone tell me they just brought their snakes up, that could mean anything to me.

What could it possibly mean??? I'm no expert (in fact this is the first year I've brumated to save money on food) but I normally think that unless explicitly told that they ment something else, when someone says they brought their snakes up, they usually mean they brought up the temps. Again, I'm no expert, but I can usually reason my way through such a tough predicament. So please, stop butting heads, or picking fights, or being nit-picky, or whatever you are doing. Hasn't it gotten you in enough trouble already??

P.S. Thanks for the green dots, I'm not even from the UK. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!:grin01::roflmao::laugh01::grin01::roflmao::laugh01::nyah: