I agree 30 layers of paper too much, but the temp should be 80-85 under the substrate not on top. Unless you have a thermostator rheostat, the temp right above the UTH can get as high as 100. You also need a gradient temp cool side, warm side. Aspen is a good substrae because the snake can burrow in.
As for raising mice I broke even at raising my own at around 6 snakes. Compared to snakes mice are labor intensive, requiring food, water...everyday.
New snakes should not be handled for 3-5 days, except to change water. There are people who handle a lot and people like me who handle hatchlings only day of feeding. The last thing you want is a non feeder, because of stress. I think you should read the stickies at the beginning of Health and Feeding before you get your snake. good luck, susan