I suggest Normal. They're highly variable in their looks. Colors come and go as they age, its pretty neat. =)
Here's an example of a hatchling I hatched out in August:
Pic of him right after his first shed, Aug 2003:
Pic taken in October 2003: More color to him..
Pic taken Saturday night: Quite a bit more color..
Here's early and late pic of a normal I bought locally:
When I first got her in August:
Pic taken earlier this month:
The other two, in my honest opinion are boring. Some people really like them, I just don't. Black albinos (Anertherystic, or Anery for short) are just a grey and black snake, not much changes. They may get a little yellow on their throat, but that's about it.
Snows are a hair more interesting looking than anery's, but not by much. I only have one snow in my collection. I love him to pieces, but he's not all that terribly exciting to look at.
But above all, whats most important is to get what you like. Only you can do that. We can only slap ya in the rear and point you in a direction.