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Who Knows?!?!?

ok so my lil amel has been chillin in her hide for a couple of days... i usually hold her often but have not recently cuz i thought she was bout to shed, and was just hiding in her coconut...... but when my gf came over today she wanted to hold her.. i let her get the lil girl out and come to find out there is sumthing wrong with her skin... it looks like wrinkled up dry skin.. kinda like it had been burnt or sumthing.. but i know thats not it cuz her viv is only 84 in the warm end.... im at work now, but ill try to get sum pics of this area of skin.. any ideas to what it may be???? :shrugs:
Sorry, but I'm laughting because you started to write in forum style then you change into chat style when you got excited about your question.
Anyway couldn't be just what you said, it's in shed cycle??
Do you have a UTH? And is that temp above or below the substrate? Hope reality is not as awful as this sounds. Definitely post some pics so some of the experienced ones here may be able to shed some light.
It sounds like she is getting ready to shed and she needs some more moisture. I would soak her in lukewarm water for about 20 minutes a day and/or provide a moist hide for her in the cage. A moist hide is easy to make, just find a plastic container like an old butter tub, fill it with moist papertowels or sphangum moss, and make a hole where she can go it. Also make sure she always has plenty of water.
Agree with Carol. Sounds like it's tried to shed but has been too dry, so the skin is starting to dry up whilst still on the body. A good soak and then a tub of damp paper towel in the viv, should sort it out.
here is the only half decent picture of the skin i got..... also, when we had her out for the pics she had regurged on my bed...... i fed her last monday night.... whats up with that????? :cry:


    61.9 KB · Views: 118
It sounds like your snake is dehydrated, going into shed, and very stressed. I have a few snakes that I cannot feed if they are going into shed, they will regurge everytime. It is stressful to be photographed but it is still strange that a meal fed on Monday would not be fully digested. It sound like there are also temp problems or it was too big a meal. I would strongly suggest the moist hide and just leaving him alone for 10 days and also make sure he has a waterbowl big enough to soak in, just until he gets better. What type of substrate are you using?
lets seee.... his water bowl is plenty big..... and im always refreshing the water.... i use aspen bedding..... and the temp is only 84 hot side 70ish cool....
Sounds good to me, I'd just give her a moist hide on both sides of the tank and give her a break for 10 days. Is your heat source an under tank heater or a heat lamp?
UTH is better... heat lamps dry out the air a lot and can cause shed problems. Do you cover 1/2 the top of the viv with a towel to keep moisture in?
I agree the heat lamp could be the source of the problem. If you little one wants to digest he is forced to be in air that is very dry due to the lamp. If he wants moisture, he is forced away from the heat and can cause him not to digest. I would suggest getting a UTH, but in the meantime that moist hide on the warm side should help a lot.
Thank you all so very much, u have helped me a ton!! another quick question... i am feeding every monday, and thats tomarrow... feed??? or not??
If it just regurged, and in such an odd way (six days after it fed), I'd wait for around 10 days, and try to get it rehydrated before you feed again. If it's about to go into shed it might not want food anyway. Also, some snakes aren't so bright, and they need the water bowl on the perimeter where they're hunting so they don't miss it. Good luck!
Definatley DO NOT feed. Once your snake regurges they need at least 10 days without food to build up their digestive juices. Any sooner and they are very likely to regurge again. One regurge is stressful, two could be disasterous with a stressed out snake. So don't be too worried about him going that long without food, it is much better for him than risking another regurge. If you give him a mini vacation with his moist hide he should be doing a lot better in 10 days and will be ready to eat again. Good Luck!
sweet.. i just thought bout that after i wrote this... i did read a few weeks ago about the 10 days to build their system back up. and tomarrow im on my way to phase out the heat lamp... keep the lamp on til i get the uth?? or turn it off for the night??? my house temp is around 68-70
Turn the light off for the night and back on in the morning. Get a UTH that is 1/3 the size of your tank and place it on the far side. This allows for a nice themoregulatory gradiant.

I'd even suggest, covering 1/2 to 3/4 of the tank over with a bit of cloth, foil, wood, even a book would work. You could even mist lighty once a day, enough to raise the humidity, but not enough to make everything wet. Wal-Mart sells a "Sports Mister" that has a really fine mist.

Hope that helps.

I keep my vivs at 40% humidity and have had no problems with bad sheds =) I do offer a wet hide still as Treasure has had bad sheds in the past. Hunter has yet to shed with me hehe. I don't have to mist my viv, but I live 2 min walk from the ocean tho.. that prolly helps hehe. I have a hygrometer in each tank to watch the humidity, and I find 40% is the best, nothing is damn to the touch, and the snakes never get dry, krinkly skin =)