So I've had my corn snake for about 7 months. For the first few months he rarely (once a month) ate so we put in a live baby rat, which was ALOT bigger than the furries / pinkies we were putting in. He ate it without a problem. He never excreted. Not once. We always kept the temp around 25 degrees. The last few pinkies we put in he ate straight away, which was strange for him, but always puked them up the next day. We rang a vet 2 days ago, who told us he would come over yesterday... he never did. We just went to take out the corn snake now and he was cold. Lifeless. He is definently dead. My little brother (10) Loved sam (the snake) And is in bits about this. He feels its his fault. What can I tell him to make him feel its not his fault - is it okay for him to get another snake? Thanks for your time