• Hello!

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    Registration is FREE, so please register so you can participate instead of remaining a lurker....

    Please be certain that the location field is correctly filled out when you register. All registrations that appear to be bogus will be rejected. Which means that if your location field does NOT match the actual location of your registration IP address, then your registration will be rejected.

    Sorry about the strictness of this requirement, but it is necessary to block spammers and scammers at the door as much as possible.

why do i keep getting logged off?


New member
when i am on for any amount of time, at some point i usually notice that i am not logged on anymore. (I usually notice this because the pictures stop showing up and i have to click on them, which gives me the ' you are not logged in' screen) does anyone know why this happens?

or is there a better forum to post this in?
The Trouble ticket section may have been more appropriate

but I'll try to help...Does your browser accept cookies???If it doesn't then that's why you are getting logged off...To change this you need to change your security features to accept cookies...

I made some optional changes in your profile that may help resolve your problem.