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Why hello there.


The Serpent Son
:D Hi.

I'm Nagini. I'm fifteen and from Maryland. I adore snakes and all other animals. I grew up with the normal pets. Fish, hamsters, mice, the occasional rat, cats, dogs.. Then the less-common house pets. Iguanas, anoles, chipmunks.. And then the plain-out weird, tarantulas and scorpions.

As far as snakes go, we had a five foot long ball python and a copperhead.

Now, I haven't had a snake in a while. I used to have a loottt of pets but now I've narrowed it down to a cat, a dog, and two horses. Now that I'm turning sixteen and moving to a bigger room, my guardian has decided that I can have my choice of a rat, a ferret, or a snake. I chose snake.

I'll admit that I was drawn to larger breeds of snake, mainly a burmese python, but I decided that nothing good would come of that. (I don't really want anything with the potential to eat small humans)

So, I've narrowed my choices down to a cornsnake or a ball python.. I've come here to get more information :)
Cornsnakes rule!

Actually they're both pretty cool, but at least with corns there's a ton of morphs you can get for under $100, the same cannot be said about BP's. If you want a BP, you're getting a normal because everything else costs what, $25,000?
Hi Nagini

Welcome to the forum,I hope and believe that all the information you're gonna need will be right here..

This is a wonderful community of Snake Enthusiasts,who have helped me out plenty

:cheers: :wavey:
NAGINI!!!! Get back in your tank!! AND WHO LET YOU ON THE INTERNET!!! Dont you know there are bad people on there?!?!

Just kidding and welcome!
Welcome to the forum!
Wow, a copperhead?
Anyway good luck and hope you find it useful here. I recommend corns. Royals (or ball pythons if you like) have the same sort of temperament but they're pretty hard to feed, so corns are better unless you're experienced with snakes. :cheers:
Hello everybody...my name is kelly and i'm 19 years old i've been surfing the net to find a decent corn snake site and now i've found it, i recieved my first corn snake at the young age of 10 then i recieved a second at the age of 12 they've been breeding for the past 6 years i plan to open a reptile shop in my town and start college in september i visited the college last night as they had a open evening on the course we look at all sorts of animals fish, small mammals, birds and care of the exotics they also have tarantulas (i won't be handling those) is it just me or is everybody on this site american i'm english
is that photo of the two-headed snake real if so how the hell did you do that i was warned not to breed families i.e:- siblings or father and daughter e.t.c