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Why is grammar so important to people? (Read for a giggle!)


New member
There have been several members of this site that have been asked to use spell check and/or punctuation in their posts. I am here to tell you why you should listen to this advice! Grammar not only makes things easier for people to read, but it also helps you to get your message across they way that you intended it. Proper grammar also makes you sound smarter, more professional, not like a kindergartner, etc. In essence, people will take you more seriously if you take the time to capitalize, punctuate, and check your spelling!

If you are of the mindset that proper grammar (spelling, punctuation, capitalization, etc.) doesn't matter on the internet, or at all for that matter, consider the following: Correct grammar is the difference between, helping your Uncle Jack, off a horse, and helping your uncle jack off a horse. See what I mean? ;)
There have been several members of this site that have been asked to use spell check and/or punctuation in their posts. I am here to tell you why you should listen to this advice! Grammar not only makes things easier for people to read, but it also helps you to get your message across they way that you intended it. Proper grammar also makes you sound smarter, more professional, not like a kindergartner, etc. In essence, people will take you more seriously if you take the time to capitalize, punctuate, and check your spelling!

If you are of the mindset that proper grammar (spelling, punctuation, capitalization, etc.) doesn't matter on the internet, or at all for that matter, consider the following: Correct grammar is the difference between, helping your Uncle Jack, off a horse, and helping your uncle jack off a horse. See what I mean? ;)

:rolleyes: oops...
I get a chuckle when somebody posts a cute typo...

or uses beet for beat, lol! I sometimes do it myself, although I usually catch it when I proof my posts. If I miss it, then there is always the "edit" button!

BUT- when I see a post that is so poorly thrown together that it is difficult to read, then I usually don't bother. I always figure that if somebody is looking for advice, they have to at least meet me halfway and make their plea easy to read! And if they are posting opinions, unfortunately I do tend to judge the content partially upon the way it is presented. People who think logically tend to take the time and effort to present their opinions in a logical and professional manner. If the poster doesn't think their opinion is worth the effort of doing so, then why would I think the post is worth reading?

Just some things to think about from the perspective of somebody who DOES care about the perceptions one's writing gives to all who may view them now, or in the future.
Correct grammar is the difference between, helping your Uncle Jack, off a horse, and helping your uncle jack off a horse. See what I mean? ;)

Actually, you should just capitalize Uncle Jack. The use of the comma in that sentence is not proper grammar either; both after the word "between" and in "helping your Uncle Jack, off a horse". :p
I would rather someone have too much punctuation than not any at all. Recently saw an ad on CL that was about 9 or 10 "sentences" long, except that there were no sentences in it & no caps.
Actually, you should just capitalize Uncle Jack. The use of the comma in that sentence is not proper grammar either; both after the word "between" and in "helping your Uncle Jack, off a horse". :p

I suppose I punctuate the way I think/speak. In speaking I would have paused slightly where I placed commas, but apparently they were not needed! Always something new to learn, thanks for the info. :)
Wouldn't you say "help your uncle, Jack, off a horse?" Otherwise it would be "help Uncle Jack off a horse." Or "help Uncle Jack jack off a horse!"

Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.