I recently was handed the opportunity to acquire 3 stargazing hatchlings and 3 siblings to stargazers. I welcome the opportunity to study them and see how they progress as they age. (Photos below)
Stargazing appears to be a recessively inherited abnormality and I'm hoping these guys will be breedable to prove out the theory.
Basically their neurological system is not normal. They appear to have some difficulty coordinating fine motor control, causing them to make wide-sweeping motions with their heads when stimulated to move about. They often will flip their heads up and over and sleep with their heads upside down. When not in motion, if they have their head right side up, you'd never know anything was wrong them.
Cognitively, they appear to be perfectly aware and content, willing to eat, drink, strike if need be, and explore like a normal snake, but without the normal coordination. They have the same sweet personalities and same curiosity of a normal hatchling. They don't appear to be in any distress and take what they've been handed and get on with life.
Here are a couple photos depicting why the stargazers got their name...
I've posted this here in the insider's forum to avoid some of the backlash a post like this can generate in the bulk of the forum. I thought it may be of interest to some of the corn enthusiasts here.
Stargazing appears to be a recessively inherited abnormality and I'm hoping these guys will be breedable to prove out the theory.
Basically their neurological system is not normal. They appear to have some difficulty coordinating fine motor control, causing them to make wide-sweeping motions with their heads when stimulated to move about. They often will flip their heads up and over and sleep with their heads upside down. When not in motion, if they have their head right side up, you'd never know anything was wrong them.
Cognitively, they appear to be perfectly aware and content, willing to eat, drink, strike if need be, and explore like a normal snake, but without the normal coordination. They have the same sweet personalities and same curiosity of a normal hatchling. They don't appear to be in any distress and take what they've been handed and get on with life.
Here are a couple photos depicting why the stargazers got their name...

I've posted this here in the insider's forum to avoid some of the backlash a post like this can generate in the bulk of the forum. I thought it may be of interest to some of the corn enthusiasts here.