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Why you don't handle after feeding

Really, your snakes skin shouldn't look like it's hanging off her, even after an extended period without a drink. I really think something else is wrong with the snake other than dehydration. If that's what is happening to your snake, I'd recommend a visit to a reputable reptile vet for a proper diagnosis before this condition worsens rather than make the assumption that it's because it is "developmentally disordered" as you put it.
Pepper, have you consulted a vet about this apparent dehydration? There could be something else going on.

Also, if you are mis-reading his body, perhaps he isn't getting dehydrated but he has developed a conditioned response to drinking when you put him by his water dish, even if he's not thirsty, leading to the regurg.
I will bring my snake over to her water every few days and she does the same thing... :shrugs: I don't notice any signs of dehydration and I'm sure she makes it in there at some point and gets a drink on her own but sometimes she'll take a nice long drink if I hold her over the water dish. Odd, but it's interesting to watch her drink. :)
I'd get a scale so you can tell if she is actually loosing weight and not just looks like it.
I have one and she's not, she just looks that way.
Lexie, you might want to consider a trip to the vet, even for a fecal exam or something. That just does not sound right, and certainly not normal. Three days without water should not produce what you're describing. It's good that you brought it up so you can hear what the more experienced folks have to say, but my fear would be that sooner rather than later, that snake is going to succumb to something. Good luck.
This snake has had issue after issue and frankly, even if a vet did fix THIS particular problem, knowing her she'd have a new one by the next morning. I've already steeled myself to the idea that this one might not make it and I'm just going to keep caring for her special needs and enjoying her for as long as possible.
Really, your snakes skin shouldn't look like it's hanging off her, even after an extended period without a drink. I really think something else is wrong with the snake other than dehydration. If that's what is happening to your snake, I'd recommend a visit to a reputable reptile vet for a proper diagnosis before this condition worsens rather than make the assumption that it's because it is "developmentally disordered" as you put it.
That's just a joke, I don't REALLY think she's retarded. She's had obvious issues both internal and external her entire life and there's probably something fundamentally wrong with her that a vet can't fix, only diagnose.
Wouldnt you still want to take the snake to the vet and find out what the problem actually is? I know I would. Even if there isnt anything the vet can do medically then they would be able to tell you how to help the snakes physical needs to help it be more comfortable. Imagine if you were sick, had the option to go to the dr but couldnt get there on your own and the person who could give you a ride decided not to because they figured fluffing your pillows was all that was needed.
I have caught one or two of my snakes drinking from the water bowl but it is a rare occurrence. Is it possible that the water bowl to high or easily knocked over or something where the animal is unable to access it?
Are you guys for real? I have hundreds of snakes and have been keeping snakes since Christ was a corporal. I have rarely seen a snake drink and have never had to "force one to". I think you are out of your tree.

Okay maybe a bad choice of words...I don't try to drown the poor thing..I just sort of hang him by it and if he drinks..he drinks..ya know...lead a horse to water and all that crap...out of my tree? No...just overly 'motherly' I suppose. I worry...its what I do. I've never owned a snake before and I don't wan tit dying on my watch.

And I don't "hold her head under water", I move her over to her water and then she drinks.

Ditto Pepper.
Wouldnt you still want to take the snake to the vet and find out what the problem actually is? I know I would. Even if there isnt anything the vet can do medically then they would be able to tell you how to help the snakes physical needs to help it be more comfortable. Imagine if you were sick, had the option to go to the dr but couldnt get there on your own and the person who could give you a ride decided not to because they figured fluffing your pillows was all that was needed.
A: A similar situation to that has happened to me, only instead of that person simply deciding a pillow fluff was all I needed they didn't want to buy the medicine I needed and now tells me whats wrong with me is "psychosomatic". You just tough it out.

B: This particular snake has already been to a vet who found nothing wrong with her except that she looked very dehydrated and had mouth rot, which has since healed. I suspect it's something internally off that I'll never really know the true identity of without a necropsy, which will neither bring me any solace nor bring her back to life when she dies, so I won't bother with.

However if you're that concerned about her you're welcome to start a donation drive to pay for a necropsy yourself.
Pepper, you could just have a finiky reptile. I have one myself, not a snake but still. I do understand frustrations. I think that is why all of us were saying contact a vet. Maybe if the snake is regurgitating the water, possibly let it have a little bit, pull it away and see how it digests that then a day or so later let it have a little more? It could be that it needs water but it is getting overwhelmed by having to much at once.
It could also be that she just didn't fully swallow it before I started picking her up. I've heard people talk, when describing squirting medicines down snakes throats, that you have to hold their head up for a bit so it goes down to their tummy or they'll just spit it out.

But knowing my snake it's probably necrotizing snake leukimi-AIDS.
Speaking of how much more I appreciate my other snake every day!

Boo is on double pinks now and eats them quickly and ravenously, with no problems. He's gaining weight much faster now and digests, sheds, and drinks all on his own without any problems.
So on regurge protocol for this little trouble worm, should I go by ten days from the day she spat on me or ten days from her last feed? I can't imagine she lost TOO much gut flora from immediately spitting out water, and today it's been 6 days since her last meal (she's on a 5 day schedule, thinking of bumping her up to four after this since she's so junk at gaining weight).
Ten days from when she tossed the water. Period. End of story. It's a regurge. There is no way to know how much gut flora she lost as it was diluted with water.
ComoxCorn said it well...10 days, period. I know it is hard to do sometimes but you have to.

Have you considered using some Grapefruit Seed Extract in her water? Possible vitamins on her pinky? Did the vet to a fecal test for you? Just a few thoughts.

Keep in mind that not all snakes will make it. They cant talk to us about what doesnt feel right and you cant take its temperature.

I have seen snakes drink, but not too often. Usually after being at a show or arriving from somewhere else. I have never "shown" a snake its water bowl either. But I can clearly tell you care deeply for your lil special needs corn. Hang in there and keep us posted.

Best wishes
Are you guys for real? I have hundreds of snakes and have been keeping snakes since Christ was a corporal. I have rarely seen a snake drink and have never had to "force one to". I think you are out of your tree.

I agree. If water is available, no animal will go without.
When her skin is hanging off of her and she looks about 3g smaller than normal. And I don't "hold her head under water", I move her over to her water and then she drinks.

Ah, sorry. I missed this my first scan through. Might seem silly, but are you sure its just not an incomplete shed?
ComoxCorn said it well...10 days, period. I know it is hard to do sometimes but you have to.

Have you considered using some Grapefruit Seed Extract in her water? Possible vitamins on her pinky? Did the vet to a fecal test for you? Just a few thoughts.

Keep in mind that not all snakes will make it. They cant talk to us about what doesnt feel right and you cant take its temperature.

I have seen snakes drink, but not too often. Usually after being at a show or arriving from somewhere else. I have never "shown" a snake its water bowl either. But I can clearly tell you care deeply for your lil special needs corn. Hang in there and keep us posted.

Best wishes
Thanks, I am fully prepared for the idea that this girl might not make it very long... from what I've seen corns that fail to thrive their first year of life generally don't make it, and I'm ok with that. I'm enjoying the time I have with her, caring for her numerous needs, and hoping for the best. I have some Repti-Vita by ZooMed I may put on her next pink (4 days from now).
Ah, sorry. I missed this my first scan through. Might seem silly, but are you sure its just not an incomplete shed?
Yes, absolutely positive. Mouse is a frequent problem shedder and though she's gotten better at it in my care never quite gets it all off by herself, and I check and double check her for stuck shed for several days and remove any I can see.