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Why you shouldn't feed live!!!!

To be fair, that didn't happen fast. Someone left that poor ball in with a rodent and walked away.
Wow thats bad. Do you know if the snake survived?

I would euthanize that snake, it's head is practically chewed off.

The article does go on to say that was a mouse and it was left overnight.
It's sad to say, but I read on a different forum that it is okay to leave stubborn BPs with hopper mice over night "because hoppers can't bite your snake overnight". UHM. Okay, well when my ex had all his bps here, he put a hopper in over night and it looked pretty much like the ball in the picture the next morning. No tail, tons of skin missing, blood everywhere. AND WE HAD LEFT FOOD FOR THE MOUSE.
Even though this thread is talking about an over night live feeding, look at the scar on Penny's head- this can happen instantly! It doesn't take over night.. had that bite occurred just a little deeper or further up on her head....
