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Will change of altitude affect corns?


New member
hello everyone- I haven't posted in a LONG time, but i do have a question that i thought some of you might be able to help me with- I am moving from california to colorado in a few weeks and there is a big change in altitude there. My new house is at about 7500ft. I know when I go there, i get nosebleeds and such, but i really have no idea on how the sudden change in altitude will affect my "children" Anyone have experience with this?
thanks, Amy
I moved from Chicago to Denver (~5300 feet) a few years ago. I had about 8 snakes at the time, and I didn't notice any difference. :)
that's good to know- i'm thinking the biggest problem i'm going to have is keeping it humid enough- it is super dry where i am moving to!
Still, if anyone else has had a negative experience with altitude change- let me know
thanks serpwidgets...

BTW Serpwidgets- I think it is great you wrote a book- I'm assuming it's not just geared towards "beginners", right? I'll have to order one... and are you publishing the newsletter, too?
hi, if the only problem you can forsee is humidty thats a simple one to deal with.1.you can move the water bowl closer to your heat sorce or 2.simlpy add a second smaller water bowl.before adding your second water bowl check in a couple of days time after moving your bowl to the warmer side to see if the humidty has indeed risen.hope this helps.( don't forget corns don't need a high humidty in anycase ) good luck with your move.
thanks- i'm not worried about being able to fix the humidity though :shrugs: - i just was concerned about the sudden change in altitude...