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Won't come out


New member
Okay, so I picked my first corn snake up last Wednesday and I haven't seen him since I put him in his new home. He managed to get himself in the center of a wood branch that I have. It's not one of those half-a-treestump hides that you can buy at the pet store, it's a solid piece of wood. Little did I know that he could get himself inside of the thing. Well it's been 6 days now since I got him and he hasn't been fed yet because I can't get him out of his hiding spot to feed him in a separate container like everyone recommends. I hate to just let him be because I told I could feed him on the 3rd day. So do I try and gently poke him out of there with something soft? :shrugs: Or do you think just braining a f/t pinkie and leaving it in his cage would get him out of there?

:-offtopic How long does it take to had a frozen pinkie thaw out? And do you just let it sit out to thaw or do you run it under warm water.

Any help is appreciated. You guys rock!
You know what might work.... Just pick up the hide with him in it, put the whole thing in the feeding container, brain the f/t pinkie, put the lid on, or cover it, and leave him for a few hours, he just might come out on his own to get that pinkie. Others will have ideas too, that's just mine. and you defrost a pinkie by leaving it in hot water for about 15 minutes. That usually does the trick
Congrats on your new purchase, and let me tell you....a cornsnake can get into almost anything. A search here on the forum will give you a clue! I would try gently prodding him to see if he'd come out, otherwise, you could try the pinky. I would make sure that you have paper in your viv before doing so, or move the log into a seperate feeding container. I would suspect that your baby is getting hungry. I also suspect that he probably comes out during the night and then goes back in and you're just missing it. When you get him out of there, remove the log and replace it with something you can get him out of easily :) I usually use hot water to thaw my pinkies as the warmer temperatures seem to encourage feeding. Live mice have body temps of around 100 degrees F so the warmer the better. I just drop it in the hot water, but some people put it in a plastic bag before submerging. Just make sure the body and head feel warm. Make sure your water doesn't contain chloramines, which are harmful to reptiles. My county just started using them, so now I have to heat up water from my reverse osmosis in the microwave and use that.
Alright, well I warmed up a pinkie for my new guy and set it in a little deli cup in his viv around 7:30 tonight and left for a friend's place. I came back around 10:30 and he still hadn't moved. I decided to warm up the pinkie again and try braining it. Doing that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, but anyways. I used my thermometer gun to see how hot the pinkie was and it said 105. I'm gonna leave the thing in over night and hope that the snake takes it. I'll let you guys know how things work out in the end. I'm hoping he'll take it and will be too fat to slither back into the log. I'll keep everyone posted. Thanks!
Well I left the pinkie in the deli cup in the viv over night and it was still there this morning. I should probably wait a couple more days before trying to feed him again, right? I think I'm just going to take the log out of his viv tonight and persuade him to come out somehow. Wish me luck.

Not that anyone really cares, but I thought I share my success with everyone. Tonight I finally decided that it was time for the little guy to come out of his hiding spot that he's been stuck in for the week that I've had him. So, I grabbed a few Q-tips and grabbed the log was hiding in. After a few failed attempts to poke him out of there I finally managed to see his head pop out, almost as though he was asking what the hell I was doing. Once I saw him do that I kept easing him out. :cheers: He finally slithered his way onto the coffee table which the log was on. I was a little tentative on picking him up since it was the first time I actually touched him, and he didn't seem too mad. I mean, he never attacked me or anything. He didn't get ready to strike or anything, he just kinda cruised around my hand. It was a proud moment for me even though I knew, I whole time, he was just looking for a way to get off my hand. He didn't musk me or anything like I had expected. I was thinking about trying to feed him tomorrow night now that I can actually get him into a separate container for feeding (I didn't put the log back in the cage 'cause I don't want him hiding in there). Does anyone think that's too soon to try feeding him again? My last attempt was on Tuesday night when I just left a thawed pinkie in his cage which he didn't seem to have much interest in.
We do too care! I do anyway... I love hearing stories about snakies. Anyway, I'm really glad you got him out of there. You should probably wait at least until the weekend. That would be about 5 days. Which is how often you should be feeding him. You should post more pics of him. I'll bet it was neat to handle him for the first time. I still remember when I first handled my snake. The novelty hasn't worn off for me and probably never will. They always do that, crawl from one hand to the other. That's just how they move around. Its funny though, sometimes when you first get them out they are all sleepy and groggy and just sit there in your hand and hardly move at all. Its like they're still in bed and saying "Wha... huh? you want me to wake up now.... but I'm still asleep" After awhile they usually wake up and start moving around, but that sleepy thing is always good for a laugh.
:) well done.
And if he wont eat on Sat just hold the back of the pinky, head towards your snake and give it a little shake a couple of inches away from him, worked alarmingly well for me. :grin01:
Glad you finally got him out of there! He's sounds like he's pretty mellow so I'd try feeding him when you planned. Sometimes making sure the pinky is good and warm and putting a few cuts in it will stimulate the appetite, just as teasing (as Jnky suggested).
Well I used MegF's vote of confidence to try feeding my corn tonight. So I heated up some water to thaw a pinkie and got the pinkie to a temp of around 95-100 degrees and put him in a deli cup. I was able to get my corn out of his cage (with the log being gone and all) and boy, oh boy, he must have really been hunger 'cause I only left him alone for maybe 15 mins and when I got back he had a nice lump in his stomach. I was just glad to see that I could successfully feed him. Yay!