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Wow! This Snake Survived the Dryer!


Kind of Corny
A few years ago, I had an escapee corn snake that was recovered in the washing machine after washing a load of clothes, which was surprising enough! Little Miracle in the Washing Machine!

And now I can also say I have one that survived the dryer! This sunglow motley had escaped a few weeks ago, and she finally turned up yesterday when I opened the dryer after drying a big load of clothes on "towel" mode! I opened the door, and this limp bright orange snake just fell out! I thought she was dead. Her body was very hot to the touch and felt limp when I picked it up. A lot of her scales were protruding, presumably from being "fluffed" by the hot dryer. Then, all of the sudden, she started flicking her tongue! I stuck her in a container to cool down, and her muscle tone came back. After a bit, I offered her a peach fuzzy, and she ate it right up! Her protruding scales settled down, but they still look a little funny. I think she will probably look normal again after she sheds again. She is back in her rack bin with a dish of water to help her rehydrate, and it's looking like she is probably going to be just fine! Yay!

the dryer snake.jpg
Incredibly lucky! As hot and limp as her body was when I picked it up, I'm astounded that she recovered! And I seriously would have thought she would be more frail from not having eaten for several weeks since her escape!
Looks like home appliances should be added to "places to check if you have an escaped corn on your hands". Glad that they were okay and you got them back!
Looks like home appliances should be added to "places to check if you have an escaped corn on your hands". Glad that they were okay and you got them back!

Thanks! Yeah, I think home appliances definitely appeal to them as hiding places! I knew the washer and dryer set were a good possibility all along, but knowing how to look up under them and such seemed too difficult to me. I'm not terribly mechanically inclined and don't know much about the inner workings of a dryer, but I have noticed that ours has been acting strangely for a few weeks now, stopping in the middle of some loads and displaying digital codes that we don't understand. Now I'm wondering if that was because there was a snake inside messing something up!
My snake just escaped and reading this gives me hope. I'm glad yours is found and okay. That's an amazing survival story. So glad of your happy ending.

My dryer is in the basement so I sure hope he's not down there. I'll try to think of and check anything that gets warm. At 60 grams he's just big enough to get into all kinds of trouble.
You are very fortunate. I had a cat crawl in the dryer once. He must have crawled in while I was shoving wet clothes. He was in there a good 20 minutes until my then 6 year old investigated the thumping. That cat survived but barely. My vet asked me for years afterward if I put any more cats in the dyer.
Wendy, from now on please use the "permanent press" setting. The scales will not fluff up as much and you will have a more pleasing look when done. :laugh:

I am so glad things went well! These are amazing little beasties.
Is your snake still doing okay?

She's doing just fine, although her scales still do look a little funky. I think she will probably look completely normal once she has a skin shed. Still amazes me that a corn snake can survive such a thing!
Ok....this is bad....I was about 6 years old and my cat made me mad.....I put in a freezer....and proceeded to completely forget about it....about an hour later....I heard it crying...and let it out....we were both lucky....and that cat was COLD!!!!!

Another amazing survival was a wild cat that somehow got trapped in a glass fronted shed for three days in the middle of summer....it had to get to over 150° in there and it spent three days without food or water....when I discovered it and let it out...it took off and didn't come back for a few days because I'm sure she thought I did it on purpose....but she came back around and forgave me....
Wendy ... has your 'fluffed out' dryer snake shed yet? Just hoping she's okay! :) We'd like to see an 'after' photo!
Yes! An after picture would be great. I've read this article several times and I just can't believe this! This is the kind of story that gets passed down generations! :D

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