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Yay for new hobbies!


New member
Started my tarantula experiment a couple of weeks ago. Picked my first arachnid baby up from the store I work at.

Avacularia. Avacularia, my darling little Pink Toe, Ozzy :]



Just these two pictures for now, spider's are a bit odd to photograph lol
When you tell people your four favorite animals are snakes, spiders, frogs and scorpians... you get stared at, even at herp shows lol.

Seriously though, he has redeemed my reason for loving spiders.
i almost got a tarantula the other day, the only thing that stopped me was i don't know very much about them
He is cute, isn't he?...Or she... I personally don't know how to tell, but a woman I work with is going to look at him and tell me, so for now I'll just call him a he lol. As for biting, no he hasn't bitten, or thrown any uriticating hairs and I handle him pretty often to get him used to it. Not saying he can't bite, cause he certainly could if he wanted.

Also, Reptile Geek, if you haven't seen her before, I have pictures all over the place on here of my vine snake. I think all of them are in the General Chit Chat forum, if you wanted her search her name, Tetra, they should come up. Though I will be putting new pictures of her up soon, I've just been super busy these few weeks.

And good of you not to get one then, Codymi. I never get anything without thoroughly researching them. Just a few weeks ago a man came into my store wanting a spider and bought a Cobalt Blue, one of the most aggressive species of tarantula. He also knew nothing of them and we couldn't convince him not to buy it. He brought it back hours later, saying he wanted nothing to do with spiders after trying to hold it. He learned the hard way lol
not my favorite (spiders in general) but "he" has a cute little face! my friend had tarantulas and said females have bigger butts? seriously...it sounds bad i know lol...but she said tarantula females have larger hind ends o.0
Aww it is adorable. Who said it is odd photographing spiders? i put my T's in my light tent and do a whole photoshoot! <3 i love them! I love their fuzz!
Funny actually, i had a pink toe bite me. It didn't hurt but scared the poop out of me.
My favorite child right now is my Chaco :>