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Yellow Yolk ~~~~~~~:~


~~~~~~~:~ Newbies Rule?
Spencer's eggs, after the babes came out still had a heavy yellow goo inside. My eggs are starting to pip, these eggs are about three times the size of Spencers. There is a very clear liguid that the babes seem to be drinking.
Does anyone have any information on what's inside an egg and what is suppose to be happening?

Sam ~~~~~~~~:~
From what I've observed with my eggs, they are basically made of the same stuff as chicken eggs...egg white (the clear semi-thick goo) and the yellow yolk. When the hatchlings slit the egg shell, the egg white will leak out. I've seen some eggs that still had a fairly good amount of yolk left, and some hardly any. The hatchlings will absorb as much as they can before finally exiting the egg. I guess in some cases, the hatchlings just can't absorb anymore.