Ok so this morning was feeding day for my corns. I had each of my kids go grab a snake. We have 2, in different tanks. Well one of the snakes were gone. I have watched so many videos and googled so many different ways to find a cornsnake that has been lost. My snakes are only about 2 feet ling and as big around as my pinky at their biggest area. So they arent very old. Anyway i also have 2 cats

i have searched everywhere in my apartment. Every crack and crevice. Every box, shoe, toy, everywhere I can think of. I even flipped my washer and dryer and checked behind, underneath and inside my stove, fridge, deep freezer and every piece of furniture and no sign of our snake. I sat the 2 pinkies out in the room we keep the missing snake in. I set the hide out over the pinkies and turned the lights off. I had to discard the pinkies after a couple of hours.
Anyway to the point of this post, would my missing corn, (flicker) be find if i sat some chicken out, hoping he would come for food by the scent? I am gonna keep my cats in a carrier tonight just incase they didnt get flicker last night.