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hi is it possible to age a snake by length and weight? I have a snow and a amel the snow is apparently female 3 foot 6 inches and 360g the amel is apparently male 3 foot 4 and weighs 306g both are supposed to the same age? I was told nearly 3 years would this be about right. Would be greatfull for any advice
Many thanks
Hi just a quick thank you for all the fantastic info that members have posted it's been a valuable guidance. I am now the very proud owner of a beautiful 3 year old Snow, my wife has called her Pearl.
You can make a "bath" by putting paper towels or sphagnum moss in a closed container (with air holes), filling with room temp water to the top of the paper towels, and then putting the snake in.
i read your post about how to help a bad shed, the only problem is my corn doesn't like water. on Thursday i tried to give her a warm bath and she wouldn't go in the water. when i sprinkled water on her she hissed at me
Hi Catherine, I recently purchased a 1.0 CB11 strawberry het lavender from you through Don and I'd like to pick your brain about strawberry and get some more info on this fella. I was also wondering if you have or will be producing anymore of the strawberry het lavender or possibly strawberry lavender anytime soon. I'd be very interested in purchasing a female from you. I understand that you had a 0.1 CB11 strawberry that was het for lavender and lava that you had on the list Don showed me of what you were selling but it had a "hold" on it and Don said he didn't think he has it. So I was wondering if you still have it and if so, I'd be interested in purchasing it. My email address is [email protected] if you'd prefer to converse that way. I'd love to hear from you. Don has always spoken very highly of you. I look forward to hearing from you soon, if you're not too busy.
Because Rich has a rule about posting links to sites that take traffic away from this site. I'm sorry! It's been that way as long as I can remember- years and years. It wasn't directed at your site personally, just a blanket rule.

I am not sure but I think we recieved an email from you via our website regarding a Salmon Snow corn snake, RozAi16-10M. I did try to respond to the email however it bounced back to me as undeliverable so thought I would reach out to you here.

To answer your question in the email, yes we can ship to your home as long as someone will be there to recieve the package. We ship on Tuesday to arrive Wednesday and this week has nice weather for shipping.

I'm trying to send you a private message, but it says your inbox needs to be cleared before I can. Would you mind clearing a slot or two?
Thanks! We've been working on our photography, but right now we have crap for backgrounds and I've been lazy about finding new things. Maybe by the time I have babies to sell we'll actually be able to take more professional looking pics to display them lol!